Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/103

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68 FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cus. 357, 361. 1886. head room under such span shall not be less than ten feet above local high·water mark: Provided also, That said draw shall be opened Lightacte. promptly upon reasonable signal for the_passing of boats; and said company or corporation shall Kaintaimlat its owéi gxpéanse, trplm slunsleg t'll, h l' hts t r si nas on sa1 r1 ge as e ig 0*h°*°°°mP°¤i°¤ Iglouzlenlgggrdlslna1l!gresc1?i,be): lgrooided also, That all railway companies °° ]""° right °f desiring to use said bridge shall have and be entitled to equal rights way. "{I’1 """""§? l" *‘;‘2l’“$§3i°.3.€ Z‘l‘2§”‘é'L‘2 Z’2.‘f..L‘;£‘.§ ?§2.‘ZL."‘.$.‘33; c me an x ure e — » » , sf"?’(§",f}f°fW“" and upon such terms and conditions as shall be prescribed by the Secisetiglag rob??;;; }‘ctaryo;i;1Warl, nipon shearing the allegations and proofs of the parties, . incase esa noaree. msec;-cmry ofWar Sec. 3. That the Secrgetary of War is hereby authorized and directed,

3¤P*¤¥ gcpgln receiving such lp1a: aind mapltand otherhinfgplmavtgplpgjgilflagpgi

g satisfied that the ri ge u _ upon suc p , _ sory works, and at such locality will conform to the prescribed conditions of this act, to notify the company that he approves the sameg and upon receiving such notification the said company may proceed t an erection of said bridge, conforming strictly to the approved plan and location; and should any change be made in the plan of the bridge or accessory works, during the progress of the work thereon, .such L _ mango shlall be sulzgect liktewngs to the apifpoval of Segretary (if =¤2¤¤¢>¤· ar- an in caseo any i 'ga on arising om any o s ruc on or a · legccl obstruction to the free navigation of said river, caused or alleged to be caused by said bridge, the case may be brought in any court of the United States of the Territory of Dakota, of competent jurisdiction, in which any portion of said bridge may be located. _ To be a lawful SEO. 4. That the said bridge and accessory works, when built and ¤tr¤•=t¤r¤¤¤d 1>¤¤|=- constructed under this act and according to the terms and limitations '°“*°· thereof, shall be lawful structures; and said bridge shall be recognized and known as a post-route, upon which also no higher charge shall be made for the transmission over the same of the mails, the troops, and the munitions of war of the United States than the rate per mile paid for the transportation over the railroads or public highways leadin to S such bridge, and said bridge shall enjoy the rights and privileges of other post—routes in the United States; and Congress reserves the right Charges. at any time to regulate by appropriate legislation the charges for freight and passengers over said bridge. Postal telegraph. Sec. 5 That the United States shall have the right of way for such postal-telegrapl; lines across said bridge as the Government may con— struct or contre . Right to amend. Sec. 6. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this act is hereby °*°·· '°°°“'°d· expressly reserved; and the right to require any changes in said structure, or its entire removal, at the expense of the owners thereof, whenever Congress shall decide that the public intere t requires it, is also expressly reserved. · Approved, May 17, 1886. , CHAP. 361.-An t t' th 'ght f a h lx h ' ...’ii*!‘i;'*£;. ¤...m.¤..., i.. N...“&.£€.§§ itil. E. ¤..3.s1I i'J...’é’.?'%...l £.’L?•¥2°£5';1;‘§"é*3£ plhy. ‘ Be it enacted Senate and House of Representatives of the United Right of way States of America m Congress assembled, That the right of way to the 5l;1¤¤:il;a€`:vf;H§)¤n; extent of one hundred feet, and no more, in width, through_ the Fort New mx_ gnu} Selden Military Reservation, New Mexico be, and the same is hereby, ed U, Ri., Gmgg confirmed to the Bio Grande, Mexico and l’acuic Railroad. g¤3;;<3_$¤·lP¤¤¤¤= Approved, May 18, 1886.