Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/853

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826 TREATY-CHINA. Novmmmz 17 , 1880. November 17, 1880. Treaty between the United States and China, concerning immigration. “"—‘*‘;" Omwluded November 17, 1880; ratijicatizm advised by the Senate May 5, 1881; ratyicd by the President May 9, 1881; ratojicatioros exchanged July 19, 1881; proclaimed October 5, 1881. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROOLAMATION. proclamation_ Whereas a. Treaty between the United States of America. and China, for the modification of the existing treaties between the two countries, by providing for the future regulation of Chinese immigration into the United States, was concluded and signed at Peking in the English and Chinese languages, 011 the seventeenth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty, the original of the English text of which Treaty is word for word as follows: pmambh Whereas, in the eighth year of Hsien Feng, Anno Domiui 1858, a treaty of peace and friendship was concluded between the United States of America and China, and to which were added, in the seventh year of Tung Chih, Anno Domini 1868, certain supplementary articles to the · advantage of both part3esk w1£;sh suléplemeutzuy articles were to be perpetually observed an o y :—a.n Wherem the Governmentef the United States, because of the coustantly increasing immigration of Chinese laborers to the territory of the United States, and the embarmssments consequent upon such immégratioxéhuow dging negotiate a m0diiica}ti0u of the existing Treaties w ich sh not inact contravention 0 their spirit :-- coumwuugpu. Now, therefore, the President of the United States of America has ties- appointed James B. Angell, of Michigan, John F. Swift, of California, and William Hem·y Trescot, of South Carolina as his Commissioners P1euipotentia.ry· and His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor of Chin has appointed Paw éhiin, a member of His Imperial Majesty’s Privy gonncil, and Superintendent of the Board of Civil Omce; and Li Hungtsao, a member of His Imperial Majesty’s Privy Council, as his Commissioners Plenipctnutiary; and the said Commissioners Plenipctentiary, having conjointly examined their full powers, and having discussed the points of possible modification in existing Treaties, have agreed upon the following articles in modiiication. Aumcu: I. cummxnnmmg, Whenever in the opinion of the Government of the United States, the umirgmon engl sue- coming of Chinese laborers to the United States, or their residence P°°g’g° of "'“*“` therein, affects or threatens to afect the interests of that country, or to gm ‘ “ °· endanger the gm order or me said country m- of any locality within the territory thereof, the Government of China agrees that the Government of the United States may regulate, limit, or suspend such coming or residence, but may not absolutely prohibit ic. The limitation or suspension shall be reasonable and shall apply only to Chinese who many go to the United States as laborers, other classes not bein included in the limitations. Legislation taken m regard to Chinese hgaorcrs will be of such an clumwtcr only as is necessary to enforce the regulation, limitation, or suspension of immigration, and immigrants shall not be subject to personal maltreatment or abuse.