Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/771

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744 FOBTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. RES. 35, 37, 44, 45. 1882. June 10, 1882. [35.] Joint resolution authorizinv the Secretary of War to furnish tents for the use Y-—* of the Grand Army of the Republic at the national eneampment to be held in Baltimore on the twenty tirst and twenty second of June instant and for other purposes. ‘ Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States manga Aymy of of Agzerica in Congress assemblled, Thiat th: Secret?ryhof(§Vurdbe{ and is _<> ¢¤¤¤b iv M- cre y authorize to furnis tents or the use o the ran rmy of

 {’,;‘,$;;*m";:,' the Republic at the national encampment to be held in the city of Bal-

Md_, ’,md 80,,,0,,,1 timore on the twenty tirst and twenty second of June instant, and of of the Army of the the Society of the Army of the Potomac at their annual meeting at De-

9*¢<>¤¤¤¢=. D¤¤‘¢>¤¢, troit Michigan on the fourteenth and fifteenth days of June instant

‘,°h· 0,. mu Provided, That it can be done without detriment to the public service. mm. Approved, June 10, 1882. Jung 27, 1g8g_ [37,;] Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of War to turn over to the Governor --——-~—-—- o Minnesota, such tents, poles, and ns e may require for the use of the Militia and Volunteer organizations of e State at their summer and fall encampment. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States hlnoampment or of elmerieo in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, and Ullme Md V<>1¤¤- he is hereby, directed to deliver to the Governor of Minnesota such tents, mgsm °f poles, and pins, as he may require, and as may bein the Quarterma.sters’ L,,,,,, of ,,3,,*,, Department, and can, in the opinion of the Secretary ot War be spared etc. for such purpose. The Quartermaster shall take a good and sufficient bond, to be approved by the Secretary of War, for the return of such property in good condition after such use of the same, and the parties using the same to pay all expenses of transportation. Approved, June 27, 1882. 44. J' lt' ah" hSecre ofWar suan

 [ cainp gdhiphzsgtb th: eixaxhlpldigrgs dflhe Granudryarmy of tht:  

Grove, in Douglas County, Kansas. . Resolved by the Senate and Houseof Representatives of the United States Eneampment of of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, and he ‘ g;¤¤::H¤¤!°§Eh° is hereby, authorized to supply the encampnnent of the Grand Army of ugh6N2px;; the Republic at Bismarch _ rove, in Douglas County, Kansas, to be held ,,,_ m September, anno Domim eighteen hundred and eighty-two, four pieces Lon ofartillery artillery and such tentsas can be conveniently spared, taking a sulfi-

2 ¤•¤P •¢1¤¤P· cient bond for the thereof after the encampment in as good cougictilm as ghen rpcexved, all cost of transportation and other expenses to

me y said encampment. Approved, July 7, 1882. J. °. 'Y '· **8 ‘Ti3a.‘Z°£Ef.§§t“;}i“f.‘°‘2&“22.?.i.¥.it?¤2“2‘§2“.£§‘2*2 *5*.2 T;t€¥.S"£‘i¥.°I.°.3§?‘B.?$£ ment," a proved {lay href, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, and to correct an error in the enrollment thereof? Resolved by Senate and House of Representatives of the United Correetien er States of Anoeneu sn Congress assembled That the following paragraph umm at for gl- in the act for the allowance of certain izlaims reported by the account- L°,:',;l';’”°‘f°‘l”*:’p'f ing officers of the United States Treasury Department, approvedliloy ,0,,,; ’ first, eighteen hundred and eight -two “ to Fred Henmn er surviving p my 1, . . Y . . g r 892. partperc of Helnnlxnger a31d Gillaspia, of Franklin County, eighty dollars amen e 0 rea as o ws, viz: ‘*To Fred Henninger survivilnplgpgrytner of Henninger and Gillaspia, of Franklin County, forty-six Approved, July 7, 1882.