Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/675

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648 FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 9-11, 29, 33, 34. 1882. for any moneys or funds of the United States which were loaned or advanced by said Hartwell to said Mellen, Ward and Company, the same having been without the default or negligence of said Chandler. Approved, February 11, 1882. Fab. 11, ISE- CHAP. 10.*AD 1I6b {0I' hl1B IBBOf of Sl(lD6y P. IJ11th0I' I Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Sidney P. Lu- States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasther. ury be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to pay to Sidney P*Y"'°*'* *°· Luther, of Pittsburg, New Hampshire, the sum of eighty-five dollars, in full satisfaction of his claim on account of the wrongful seizure of one pair of white-faced steers, and wrongful detention of the same, by the collector of customs for the district of Portsmouth. " Approved, February 11, 1882. Fog, u, 1g8g_ CHAP. 11.-An act for the relief of E. J. Gurley " Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ` E. J. Gurlery. States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas- Payment to. ury beicand he is hereby authorized and required to pay to E. J. Gurley, of Mc nnan County, Texas, the sum of one thousand dollars for himself and one thousand dollars as trustee for the law-iirm of Blocker and Gurley, for legal services rendered the Government of the United States. Approved, February 11, 1882. . Mm, 9, 1882 CHAP. 29.-An act for the relief of Warren Hall. Be it enacted by the Senate andHouseof Represev•tatoWreaoftl•e UnitedStates w,,-,,,, mu of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, Payment to. and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to Warren Hall, out of any moneys in the Treasury derived irom the proceeds of captured and abandoned property, the sum of one thousand one hundred and twenty- five dollars and sixty-one cents, being the proceeds of ive bales of cotton voluntarily turned over to Thomas H. Yeatman, assistant special agent of the Treasury Department, on July seventh, eighteen hundred . and sixty-three, by said Warren Hall, which said proceeds have been paid into the Treasury. · Approved, March 9, 1882.' . ya; 15, 1832 CHAP. 33.-—An act for the relief of Paulina J' ones, widow of Alexander Jones, de- -—-t--—-— ceased, late of Company E, Second North Carolina Infantry. Be it enacted the Senate and House of Rqzresentatieea of the United Pgrrliug ,1.,,,.,,, States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War is Relief or hereby authorized and directed to place the name of Alexander Jones upon the rolls of Company E, Second North Carolina Mounted Infantry · to date September first, eighteen hundred and sixty-three. Approved, March 15, 1882. gu, 15, lg CHAP. 34.-An act for the relief of Charles Collins. Be it enacted lm the Senate and House eg Representatives of the United Chula Collins. States of America on Congress assembled, That the sum of three hundred P¤Y¤1eut m. and thirty-seven dollars and thirty-six cents be, and hereby is, appro-