Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/501

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474 FOBTYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 97. 1883. and their appendages, for general use on board ship, including those for the cabin, ward-room, and steerage, for the holds and spirit-room, for decks and quartermasters’ use; bunting and other materials for flags, and making and repairing flags of all kinds; oil for ships of war, other than that used for the engineer department; candles when used asa substitute for oil in binnacles and runnin g-lights ; for chimneys and wicks; and soap used in navigation department; stationery for commanders and navigators of vessels of war, and for use of courts-martial; musical instruments and music for vessels of war; steering-signals and indicators, and for speaking-tubes and gongs for signal communication on board vessels of war; and for introducing electric lights on board vessels of war, not exceeding five thousand dollars; in all, one hundred thousand dollars. special ocean For special ocean surveys and the publication thereof, ten thousand nvm- dollars. Contingent ex- For contingent expenses of the Bureau of Navigation, namely: For P¤¤¤¤¤· freight and transportation of navigation materials; postage und telegraphing on public business; advertising for proposals; packing-boxes and materials- and all other contingent expenses, four thousand dollars. Citvil eetnbliah- dogor the civil establishment at navy-yards and stations, five thousand ¤¤¤ ars, BUREAU OF ORDNANCE. 4 Ordnance store. For procuring, producing, and preserving ordnance material ; for the md ¤¤l>vli¤¤· armament of ships, and for fuel, tools, materials and laborto be used in the general work of the Ordnance Department for these purposes, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. And any balance of the appropriation made for commencing the manufacture of steel ritled breechloading guns, with carriages and ammunition, that may be unexpended during the seal year eighteen hundred and eighty-three, is hereby reappropriated and made available for continuing that service during the fiscal y ear ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-four. Repairs, eto. `For necessary repairs to ordnance buildings, magazines, gun parks, ' boats, lighters, wharves, machinery, and other objects of the like character, including bréakwaters at the magazine, Ellis Island, New York, and the erection of a shell-filling house at the Bellevue magazine, Washington, fifteen thousand dollars. President ol the That the President of the United States is hereby authorized and re- United WM tv quested to select from the Army and Navy six officers, who shall con- 0*;*:;* stitute a board for the purpose of examining and reporting to Congress ,;,,,,_ M ,,_ which of the navy-yards or arsenals owned by the government has the

. best location and is best adapted for the establishment of a government

foundry, or what other method, if any, should be adopted for the mann- Mnnuheture or facture of heavy ordnance adapted to modern warfare for the use of the M"! ¤¤l¤¤¤¤¤, Army and Navy of the United States, the cost of all buildings, tools, ‘“°· and implements necessary to be used in the manufacture thereof, including the cost of a steam-hammer or apparatus of sutlieient size forthe manufacture of the heaviest guns; and that the President is further B°P°“’*°Y b°•¤`*· requested to report to Congress the linding of said board at as early a homo. date as possible; Provided, That no extra compensation shall be paid the officers serving on the board hereby created. lnseellnneone. For miscellaneous items, namely: For freight to foreign and home stations, advertising and auctioneers’ fees, cartage and express charges, repairs to ilreengines, gas and water pipes, gas and water tax at magafines, toll, ferriage, foreign postage, and telegrams, three thousand dol- ‘ ars. mgxitvil eotahlieh- d Sor the civil establishment at navy-yards and stations, five thousand o ars. Torpedo corps. For the torpedo corps namely: For labor, material, and freight and express charges; general repairs to grounds, buildings, and wharves; boats’ instruction, instruments, tools, experiments, and general torpedo outfits, fifty thousand dollars.