Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/493

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466 FOBTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 95. 1883. Claim due from That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized ¤*¤*°°fJ°YC°°k° and required to demand and receive from the assignee of the estate of ggHg;":f;°§.;f Jay Cooke and Company the sum proved against said estate by the mgmhmmqm, Soldiers and Sailors Orphans’ Home, and to cover the same into the Treasury of the United States ; and in case of refusal to pay over the money aforesaid, the Attorney-General is required to take steps to enforce the claim of the United States thereto. gnat., wap. FOB STREETS. ing,etc. For sweeping, cleaning, and sprinkling streets and avenues, forty thousand dollars; cleaning alleys, seven thousand five hundred dollars; for current work of repairs of streets, avenues, and alleys, twenty-five thousand dollars; current repairs to county roads and suburban streets, twenty thousand dollars; cleaning and repairing lateral sewers and basins, twenty thousand dollars; cleaning tidal sewers, three thousand dollars; repairs to pumps, three thousand dollars; in all, one hundred and eighteen thousand five hundred dollars. Parking. For the parking commission: For contingent expenses, including laborers, carthire, trees, tree—boxes, tree-stakes, tree-straps, planting and care of trees, whitewashing, care of parks, and miscellaneous items, eighteen thousand dollars. » Lamps. For street-lamps: For illuminating material, and lighting, extinguishing, repairing, and cleaning lamps on avenues, streets, and alleys, and for purchasing and erecting new lamp-posts, and to replace such as are old, damaged, and unfit for use, ninety-five thousand three hundred and eighty dollars; and hereafter all railroad companies using engines propelled by steam shall pay to the District for the lighting of the 4 streets, avenues, alleys, and grounds through which their tracks may be laid, under the direction and control of the Commissioners; and in case of demult of payment of such bills, action at law may be ' maintained by the District of Columbia against said railroad com- ·"¤•‘••· panics therefor: Provided, That no more than twenty-two dollars per annum for each street lamp shall be paid for gas, lighting, extinguish- · ing, repairing, and cleaning, under any expenditure provided for in this act. And in case a contract cannot be made at that rate, the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are hereby authorized to substitute other illuminating material, for the same or less price, and to use so much of the sum hereby appropriated as may be necessary for that PN•i•¤· purpose: Provided farther, That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia shall not beauthorized to make any contract for gas or other illuminating material, in accordance with the provisions of this para- _ graph, for any longer period than one year. Palin g ron Mnrnoromrm romcn. For one major and superintendent, two thousand six hundred dollars ; one captain, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one property clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars; one clerk, nine hundred dollars; four surgeons for the police and ire departments, at four hundred and fifty dollars each; for additional compensation to privates detailed from time to time for special service in the detection and prevention of crime, one thousand dollars, or somnch thereof as may be necessary; ten lieutenants, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; twenty sergeants, at one thousand one hundred and forty dollars each; eighty privates, class one, at nine _ hundred dollars each; one hundred and thirty-tive privates, class two, $*¤¤¤¤-k¤¤P¤¤‘¤· at one thousand and eighty dollars each; sixteen station-keepers, at L¤b¤¤‘¤¤- seven hundred and twenty dollars each; eight laborers, at four hundred and twenty dollars each ; one messenger, seven hundred dollars ; one messenger, five hundred dollars; one major and superintendent, mounted two hundred and forty dollars; one captain, mounted, two hundred and