Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/484

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FORTYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 93. 1883. 457 seventy-tive contract surgeons and one hundred and sixty hospital- · matrons; extra-duty pay to enlisted men for service in hospitals; pay of hfty-four pay-master’s clerks, at the rate of one thousand four hundred dollars each per annum, and fourteen veterinary surgeons, hire of pay- nraster’s messengers, 'not to exceed fifteen thousand dollars; cost of telegrams on official business received and sent by officers of the Army; compensation of citizen witnesses attending upon military courts and com - missions; traveling expenses of paymasters’ clerks; and for commutation of quarters for officers on duty without troops at places where there are no public quarters; for the officerin command of the military prison at Fort Additional pa Leavenworth, Kansas, in addition to his pay in the Army for the next hscal Fo ¤¤¤¤¤{¤¤<l¤¤‘ mil? year, one thousand dollars; in all, eleven million nine hundred thousand Egry P"“‘;*h F°“‘ dollars: Provided, That nothing contained in the act making appropria- °v°i>1:,°,,‘;,,,_' tions for the support of the Army for the fiscal year ending June thir— Pamphlet editieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, approved June thirtieth, tivqvf l¤W¤» l¤¤¤¤· eighteen hundred and eighty-two, shall be so construed as to prevent, 47 (‘°”g··u7· limit, or restrict retirements from active service in the Army, as authorized by law in force at the date of the approval of said act, retirements under the provisions of said act of June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, being in addition to those theretolbre authorized · by law: And provided further, That offrcers of the Army shall only be Provieo. assigned to duty or command according to their brevet rank when A¤¤i¢¤¤¤¤¤t t¤ actually engaged in hostilities: Provided, That vacancies that may 3Q6W;, °*°·• T"' hereafter occur in the pay 001’pS of the Army in the grades of lieuten— v °°' ant colonel and major, by reason ol death, resignation, dismissal, or Vneaneiesinlhy retirement, shall not be rllled by original appointment until the pay 0¤rp¤, lww filledcorps shall by such vacancies be reduced to forty paymasters, and the v,,,,,,,;,, in number of the pay COTPS 8h8H then be established at forty and 110 more, Qunrtormastofs and hereafter vacancies occurring in the Quartermasters and Commis- Ed C°¤¤¤l¤•¥.Y’• sarys Departments of the Army may in the discretion of the President b°§’,?Q‘d“§,P:m‘:,‘;,{ be tllled from civil life my Sunsisrnncn DEPARTMENT.—FOP subsistence of twenty-five thou- snboiotonoo. sand enlisted men, one hundred and twenty additional haltirations for sergeants and corporals of ordnance, one thousand eight hundred and thirty civilian employees, not exceeding seventy-five contract Sl11'· geons, one hundred and sixty hospitalmatrons, thirty-seven military convicts, and five hundred prisoners of war (Indians); in all, ten million one hundred and twenty-tive thousand rations, at twenty-two cents each; for diference between cost of rations and commutation thereof for detailed men, and for enlisted men and recruits at recruiting stations, and for cost of hot coffee and cooked rations for troops traveling on cars; for subsistence stores for Indians visiting military posts and Indians employed without payas scouts and guides, one million nine _ hundred thousand dollars, of which amount three hundred thousand dollars shall be available from and after the passage of this act for the purchase of stores necessary to be transported to distant posts in advance of the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and eighty-three : vided, That hereafter no part of the sums appropriated for the Subsistence and Quartermasteis Departments of the Army shall be used or expended in the investigation of claims under the act ot fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, entitled “An act to restrict the jurisdiction of the Court of Claims, and to provide for the payment ofcertarn · demands for quartermaster’s stores and subsistence supplies furnished to the Army of the United States/’ and acts and resolutions amendetory thereof and supplementary thereto. And not more than- one hundred and five thousand dollars of the money appropriated by this paragraph shall be applied to the payment of civihan employees rn the Subsistence Department of the Army. _ _ QUABTEEIASTEB’S DEPARTMENT.——FOP the regular supplies of the Rcguhgsupphe;. Quartermastefs Department, consisting of stoves for heating and D§,_:3m°*;:” ' cooking; of fuel and lights for enlisted men, guards, hospitals, storebouses, and ofliees, and for sale to officers; ol forage in kind or the