Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/399

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372 FOBTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. 011. 466-168. 1882. United S I. a lg c n Sm:. 3. That nothing in this act shall be construed to limit the United ¤*?· !u8*"*"* mu'"` States in granting to other persons or companies s1m11:u· pmvileges to §§'mp:§§’:&°° °°h°' those herein contained Right tv aim. SBU. 4. That the right to alter, amend, or repeel this act at any time

  • "“°“d·"P°‘l¤·°°°·· is hereby reserved to Congress, including the mght to fix rates by a.

geneml law. Approved, August 8, 1882. - ggp ..tion and maintenance of :s onton

 c milw;;6B';ldgtna¢:·•o:¤ :h: §i$:slrs;;u<;· near the mouth of the Upper} Iowa.

River, in the State of Iowa. Bc it enacted b the Senate and House 0 Repreacntati·ves of the United um,,;;.,', md States of Amcriga in Congress assembledf That the Upper I0wa and Hiseiuippi River Mississippi River Railway Company, :1 corporation duly organized under B*“"*Y c°”'£:f$ the laws of Iowa., or its assigns be, and is hereby, authorized and em-

:h ·powered to construct and mainthin, between o point at or near the

queen railway mouth of the Upper Iowa River, m the State of Iowga, und a point at or

 mmm Mis- near the village of Victory, in the State of Wisconsin, for rmlroad purr-

"“'I’P* R“’°'~ poses, a pontou railway bridge, subject, however, to the terms, pFOV1S- ions, restrictions, aud requirements contained in chapter two hundred B. S. W and twenty-four of the supplement to the Revised Statutes of the United Pmvha. States: Provided, That said bridge shall not be built or commenced mmm., who until the plan and specifications for its construction have been submit- •PP'°"°?v$’¥ S°°‘ ted to the Secretary of War for his approval, nor until he shall approve '°"“" ° "' the plan and location of said bridge; and if any change be made in the plan of construction of said bridge at any time, such change shall be ' subject to the approval of the Secretary of War; and any change in the construction or any alteration of said bridge that may be directed at any time by Oougressor the Secretary of War shall be made at the cost . mm. and expense of the owners thereof: And provided furtlrer, That the right is hereby reserved to Congress to alter, amend, or repeal this net; and in case of the repeal of this act the bridge shall be removed without expense to the United States; and if this act be amended, any change or alteration required shall be without cost to the United States. Approved, August 8, 1882. EAP. I68.——A.n act no te so much of section thirlz -three hundred and ei h· -

 five of the Rovisecrgiilstutes as imposes an expgrt tax on tobacco. g ty  

Be it enacted by the Senate and Houxcpf Representativea 0 the United ` Exputatim of States of America in Omngress assembled, That section thirf_€-three hun- ¤•¤¤*:€*¤¤d *°· dred and eightyilve of the Revised Statutes, as amended by the act °’°°°· °· approved June eighth eighteen hundred and eighty, be amended and reenacted so as to read as follows:

 R. sgggsazhsmi   “i§g. £385.—;1: ::;iufacmred   snuti) and cigars intended for

1mm ia expo ion may, a ter ing ro rl ins ec marked P“;:l:: “°“°°> '°' and branded, be removed from the msxnufagtox irlvbondpwittihloaut huviné mixed thereto the stumps indicating the payment of the mx thereon. The removal of such tobacco, snuiiy und cigars from the manufactory shall be made under such regulations, and after making such entries, and executing and tiling with the collector of the district from which Bond. the removal is to be made such bonds and bills of lading, and giving snch other additional security as may be prescribed by the Commxs. sxoner of Internal Revenue and approved by the Secretary of the Treasury. There shall be atlixed to each package of tobacco snuff and cigars intended for immediate export, before it is removed from the Exportstamp. munufactory, an engraved stamp indicative of such intention. Such stump shall be provided and furnished to the several collectors as m the case of other stamps, and they shall account for the use of the same.