Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/28

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PUBLIC ACTS OF THE FCRTY-SE VENTH CONGRESS on mn UNITED STATES, Passed at the first session, which was begun and held at the city of Washington, inlthe District of Columbia, on Monday, the _/ifth day of December, 1881, and was adjourned without day on Tuesday, the eighth day of August, 1882. Cmzsrnn A. ARTHUR, President; DAvm DAVIS, President of the Senate. Tuoms F. BAYARD was elected President of the Senate pro tempore on the tenth day of October, 1881 at a special session of the Senate and so acted until the thirteenth day of Octdber, on which day DAVID DAVIS was,elected President of the Senate pro tempore, and so acted until the end of the regular session. J. WARREN KEIFER, Speaker of the House of Representatives. CHAP. 1.—A11 act granting the frauking privilege to Lucretia R. Garfield. Dec. 20, 1881. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in 0'ongress assembled, That all mail matter carried by Frankiug privipost to Luoretia B. Garfield, widow of the late James A. Garield, or gigzigrig-***éd;*égigsent by heraunderhhler written hputograph signature, be conveyed free “ ‘ ° ‘ of postage uring naturale. Approved, December 20, 1881. » CHAP. 2.—~An act to amend section nine hundred and ninety-three of the Revised Deo. 20, 1881. (Statutes of the United States for the District of Columbia, and an act entitled "An —·—-—· act to amend section nine hundred and ninety-three of the Statutes_ of the Enigd (Statgssiéor til? District of Columbia",. approved January thirty-first, erghtwn I HD Ht ZH V0 y-D100. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative: of the United _ States of America in Congress assembled, That whenever any day set pegs! holidays, apart as a legal holiday within the District of Columbia shall fall on the gutmtuzf C°§¤¤· first day of the week, comm<{1nly’caLle{ldSundayl;,`lt:ht¢;ln aiilg tsughgeirent di'; g°“ ““' - theda extsucceedin sha a oi aywitec o oum- g_g_p_c_,gg·;, bia, amlushall for all pgrposes of presenting for payment or acceptance, amended. for the maturity and protest and giving notice of the dishonor of bills of 90 8***-» 277- exchange, bank-chepks, aiégd proimissory T or cglheaéntegtpadabiletlor commercial etrea anoonsie asis e yo e week, Sunday, and all notes, drafts, checks, or other oommeucial oruegotiable paper falling due or maturing on such holiday shall bedeemedashaving matured onthe Saturday previous. Approved, December 20, 1881. CHAP. 3.-An act to legalize the election of the Territorial le 'slature of New Mexico Deo. 21, 1881. held November second, eighteen hundred and eighty, ang] for other purposes. -————-—·—···* Be it enacted by the Senate and Houcpf Representatives of the United States of America in Congress mating, hat the election or members mE1o¤ti<m ;fN1¤s· of the Territorial legislature of New exico held cn·the second_day of MEIQEY November, eighteen hundred and eighty, is hereby declared valid, and ,,0 But, yy; that the legislature so elected is fully authorized to transact such busi- 3 vjgjp D ·£§`?s..i.¤” "°‘°“w..“‘ ..Sl..*L"Z.‘€3i‘“’,§‘.‘*€."°’ °.f.“i.‘}’¤?£ 3€.‘¥?s“.£"“.°" “,£“‘°“€i June nineteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy eight; and jmv all theiractsshall beheldtobeaslegalus if theprov1sionsofsaxg;rctcf