Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/201

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174 FOBTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 348, 349. 1882. Amend an assi shall h e the r`gh’r to construct lay, loud, and main aww md aps7a lilne orglldes of teilevgmph hr subrnawine cnllles on tho,Atlnnt1c w€m;f°FG°,;'"t*’ coast of the United States ot_An1er1ca,_to connect the Anierncan Sud and wufsmmigf European coasts by telegmphio lines, wires, or submarine enbles Jn. |·`ri¢=k.¤f¤--¤¤Ll¤¤r- vided, That said company shall hegm to lay said enble or cables mt m ·

4 Hm of M; g; y I h p _, f th t 4 d` oznded jurflzerf TIS; no

i *°°°°°""°· wo earsfromte ussaveo 1sac;nn pr , . _ ,;,,,;,,,1 b",,",, mnalgamntnon, combination so establish rates, umon or save 0, cn Ee in- America md zu- terests established under this act shall be made to any emsting uromm penn or other cab e companies. _ _ _

 Sm. 2. That any telegrnphic hne or cnble_la1d be sub_]e¤·t to the folc°°“m°°°' lowing conditions, stipulations, and reseryatxons, town;: _

First. The Government of the United States shall be entitled to exercise and enjoy the same or similar privileges with regard to the rontml and use of such line or lines, or cable or cables, as there mny, bylaw, agreement, or oaherwise be exercised and enjoyed by any foreign government whatever. _ _ _ _ Second1y,_Cimizeus of the United States shell enjoy, the some pun- 1e as to the payment of rates for the transmission o messages as are eigggcd by the citizens of the most favored namons. _ Thirdly. The transmission of dispatches shall be made m the following order: First, dispatches of state, under such regulauons as may be agreed upon by the governments interested, the rates not to egzceed those charged to individuals; secondly, dispatches on telegr·.1.pluc,service; and, thirdly, private dispatches. _ Fonrthly. The lines of any such cables shall be sept open to thepublro for the daily transmission of market and commercxnl reports and mtelh- , genco, sud all messages, dispatches, and commumcatmns shall be for- __ worded in the order in which they are received, except as hereinbefore provided. _ _ stipulation Fiitbly. Before extending and establishing any such hne or hues, or cable or cables, in or over any waters, reefs, islands, shores, and lands within the jurisdiction of the United States, il avhrilliléegi gicceptancgi of the tennis and conditions imposed by this act s in the office of the Secretary of State by the parties above named, or a majority of them, their associates, successors, or assigns, or by the company or corporation which may be organized to construct and operate cables under this note Rs•¤••_¤•¤. Sec. 3. That nothing in this act shall be construed to limit the United States in granting to other persons or companies similar privileges `n contained. _ Sm. 4. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this not at any time ns hereby reserved to Congress. Approved, July 25, 1882. CHAP.349.—A k'`ons e a 'nan n-

 sions of the U!;$;E1¤sL;:§ i’;H·Pl;lh’e fiscal y:: zlhdgxgglgeotidkzizlalt eiglfttgez. llsdndred ond eighty-three, and for other purposes.

l Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representation of the United Pensions. Slam; of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and Appmprinicm the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury uot»otherwise appropriated, for the payment of pensions for the decal your ending: June chirrieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, and tor other purposes, nmxwly: ‘ Amy pensions. For Army pensions, ns follows: For invslids, widows, minor children, and dvpe·nde»nt relatives, and survivors and widows of the wor of eighteen hundred mul twelve, mnetyseven million sax hundred and forty thousand P*’@ · dollms; Prorulcd, Ibm the amount expended for each of the above _ items shall be accounted for separately. Now umm For Levy pensions, as follows: _For i_nva.lids, widows, minor children, and dependent relatives, one million eight hundred thousand dollars: