Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/155

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128 FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 260-262. 1882. July 1, 1882. CHAP. 260.-An act donating ccndemnegconuougnd ganuouilxalls to the Soldiers’ -———-—-—————- Monument Association o irming m, onnec 1cu . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the `United Donation ¤f ¤<>¤· States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War bg, d°'3°:gn0‘;Q';';]‘f and he hereby is, authorized to deliver, if the smne can be done without $,1* Salim,,,: Mom,. detriment to the government, four condemned cas: u·0n cannon and thirty- ment Association, six cannon balls to the order of the Soldiers’ Monument Association of B ir ¤¤ i ¤ S h ¤ ¤¤» Birmingham, Connecticut, for use and ornamentation in connection with °°‘“‘· a soldiers’ monument now in process of erection by said association. Approved, July 1, 1882. July 1, 1882- CHAP. 261.-An act granting condemned cannon to the Anna M. Ross Post Number ·‘·"‘*"‘*‘ Ninety-four of the Grand Army of the Republic, of Philadelphia. Bc it enacted by the Sonata and House of Rqrresentativos of the United Donation ,,;,,,,,1. States of America in Grmgress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, damned cannon to and he hereby is, authorized and directed to donate two condemned A¤¤¤ UéR°¤¤BY°¤; cast iron cannon to the Anna M. Ross Post Number Ninety-fom- of the g:{la°&lI;h€L " ° Grand Army of tihe Republic, of Philadelphia, for use and ornamentation 0 cemetery ot. Approved, July 1, 1882. CHAP. 262.-An makm' of the su] d di l' ..i‘L‘LhB’..*’·... mi,. g..m..’2°¥.¤ lh. ¤..“.H*’§°.;’I’3$I£§‘.‘g ‘3‘§°J;°£§‘.l..f.f $m.£..°'§3§}{’.e'3’Y.f3 eighty-three, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by tlw Senate and Hmeszgf Representatives of the United` _0¤¤¤q1•r and States of America in Congress aasembl , That the following sums be, d’!’l‘:J!::g° "Pl"'°' and they are hereby, appropriated for the service of the fiscal year end- Pn . . ing June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the objects hereinafter expressed, name y: Envoy; extnor- For salaries of envoys extraordinary and ministers plenipotentiary dinnry mgi minis to Great Britain, France, Germany, and Russia at seventeen thousand 2; P1°'“P°*°”“‘ five hundred dollars each, seventy thousand dollars. Féxr salaries of envoys extraordinary and ministers plenipotentiary to Austria, Italy Brazil exieo Japan and China at twe ve thonsan dollars each, eighty-font thousdnd dollars. ’ For salaries of envoys extraordinary and ministers plenipotentiary, ss follows: To Chili and Pern, at ten thousand dollars each; to Turkey, seven thousand five hundred dollars; in all, twenty-seven thousand five hundred dollars. mum.], I-ui - For ministers resident at Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden and Nordent. way, Venezuela, Hawaiian Islands, Argentine Republic and the United States of Columbia, at seven thousand five hundred dollars each, fifty- · two thousand five hundred dollars.

 Ear minister resident and consul-general at Bolivia, five thousand

0 ars. , one mimmrmi. For envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary accredited to ·1•¤¤¢ f¤r Ggrawmsj Guatemala, Costa Rios, Honduras, Salvador, and Nicaragua, to reside

  • °Ré;°°;;’*K·· at the place that the President may select in either of the states named,

thu Pm,m,,,,t y ten thousand dollars. Ministers resi ~ dent mul consula-

 Hayu For ministers resident and eonsuls-general to Liberia Hayti, Switzer-

S,,;,,,,,,;,,,d, ,,,5 loud Denmark, and Portugal, at nge thousand dollars each, twenty·iiV6 Nmayu. thousand dollars. ’ ·¤¤¤i¤» =- For minister resident and consul-general to Boumanis Servin, 6D ‘";;“" C;‘°°°;Q Gxieeceésix t:h<}usand five hundred dollars. 1 vs ¤ — or ary o charges d’aifaires to Pumgus, and Umgua, five thou- '“*”‘· °"· sand dollars. y y,