Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/73

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FORTY—SIX’l‘H CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 51, 52. 1879. 43 CHAP. 51.——An act to ame ‘ - may of as U.a§.i*§€§5?s3’s§.1l€;ilZ2§i ‘L‘Z§Z;Y'i—‘}.’;°i‘§,$“i§.’i"?il§?§§’s‘LT’ '°““"° -l_—...·‘““° 3°· ‘*""· Be it enacted by the Senate and House o r· States of America in Ocmgress assembled, Thgbpsgslmtighwdfogeghtiogldrtfg st B page two hundred and thirty-four of the twentieth volume of the United Cherigillu { Pl States Statutes-atdiarge, passed at the Forlyfitth Congress and approved June twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, as relates to the 1878, ch- 359, steamer "B. P. Cheney " be and the same is hereby repealed. 20 S”°‘*l’·» 23** Approved, June 30, 1879. CHAP. 52.-—An act makin appropriations force i'. . ernment for the fiscal yegr ggdirgg June thirddéliueilgllggdgl llidalidggds Sildtlgigghlzy, ~i~._...Jl1]l6 30, 18m` and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America Uongress assembled, That for the purpose of provid- Appropriations. ing for certain judicial expenses of the government for the fiscal vear J udiciel GX- ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty, the following sums I’°“““· are hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated : For payment of district attorneys and their assistants, three hundred District attorthousand dollars, neys. For fees of clerks, one hundred and sixty thousand dollars; Clerks. For fees of United States commissioners, one hundred and forty thou- commissioners. sand dollars; ` For fees of jurors, tour hundred thousand dollars; Jurors. For fees of witnesses, five hundred and fifty thousand dollars; Witnesses. hFor siéppoilt of United States prisoners, one hundred and ninety-three Prisoners. thousand dollars; For rent of United States court-rooms, sixtyseven thousand dollars; Rent. For expenses of bailiifs, criers, stationery, fuel, lights, furniture, watch- Beiliifs and mismen and janitors, cleaners and sweepers, extra meals for impaueled °°U¤*·¤<°>°¤¤· jurors, transportation of prisoners, moving of records salaried officers of the government summoned as witnesses, travel in collecting evidence in United States cases, for holding seizures, for fees of justices of the peace acting as United States commissioners, for stenographers, for post-mortem examinations, for expenses of judges holding extra terms of court outside their districts, of interpreters, fees to township officers in summoning jurors, extra pay to experts as witnesses, for storage for surveys required as evidence, and for all other necessary miscellaneous expenditures, two hundred and eighty thousand dollars; making in all, the sum of two million and ninety thousand dollars. Sec. 2. That the per diem pay of each juror, grand or petit, in any Pe¢·diemmjui-ws. court of the United States, shall be two dollars; and that the last clause of section eight hundred of the Revised Statutes of the United States, R. s. 800, which refers to the State of Pennsylvania, and sections eight hundred E- gag}, and one, eight hundred and twenty, and eight hundred and twenty-one 1,; $$21; of the Revised Statutes of the United States, are hereby repealed; and Repealed. that all such jurors, grand and petit, including those summoned during . · the session of the court, shall be publicly drawn from a box contaimng, _ D ra w i ia g of at the time of each drawing, the names of not less than three hundred J*”‘°"’· persons, possessing the qualifications prescribed m section eight hun- R. s. 800. dred of the Revised Statutes, which namesrshall have been placed therein by the clerk of such court and a commissioner,_to be appointed by_the judge thereof, which commissioner shall be a_o1t1zen of good standing, residing in the district in which such court IS held, and a well-known member of the principal political party in the district in which the court is held opposing that to which the clerk may belong, the clerk and said commissioner each to place one name m said box alternately, without reference to party ainliations, unidl the whole number required shall be placed therein. But nothing herein contained shall be construed to pre