Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/64

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34 FOBTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. OH. 35. 1879. duty pay to soldiers engaged in special skilled labor, and ordinary ‘ repairs, four thousand dollars. _ _ Ordmmw Sep. ORDNANGE DE1>AIt'rrmNT.—For the ordnance service, required to device. fray the current expenses at the arsenals; of receiving stores and issuing arms and other ordnance supplies; of police and office duties; of rents, tolls, fuel, and lights; of station ery and office furniture; of tools and instruments for use; of public animals, forage, and vehicles; incidental expenses of the ordnance service, ineludin g compensation of workmen in the armory and museum building connected with the Ordnance Office and those attending practical trials and tests of ordnance, smalbarms, and other ordnance supplies, one hundred and ten Prmso. thousand dollars: Provided, That none of the money hereby appropri- Limit of uae. ated shall be expended, directly or indirectly, for any use not strictly necessary for, and directly connected with, the military service of the government; and this restriction shall apply to the use of public animals, forage, and vehicles. Metallic ammu- For manufacture of metallic ammunition for smallarms, seventyfive ¤l*i°“- thousand dollars. Pres ci-v i n g For overhauling, cleaning, and preserving new ordnance stores on ¤$<>¤>¤· hand at the arsenals, twenty-five thousand dollars. ` Removing enum.- For dismounting guns and removing the armament from forts being ¤¤°¤¤•· modified or repaired, including heavy carriages returned to arsenals for alteration and repairs, and other necessary expenses of the same cha1·— Repairing ord- actor, and for repairing ordnance and ordnance stores in the hands of ¤¤¤¤°· troops and for issue at the arsenals and depots, and for extra duty for enlisted men detailed for ordnance service, thirty thousand dollars. Ordnance stores. For purchase and l.l'l2,l»lllll`21.C'tl].I‘0 of ordnance stores, to fill requisitions of troops, one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars; Equipments. · For infantry, cavalry, and artillery equipments, consisting of clothingbags, haversacks, eantcens, and great-coat straps, and repairing horse - equipments for cavalry troops, seventynve thousand dollars. Siw for n¤wd<>¤‘- For purchase of site for powderdepot, and commencing the erection d°P°"· of suitable buildings, fifty thousand dollars. Manufacture of For manufacture of arms at national armories, two hundred and fifty-

  • ’·“¤°· thousand dollars.

Snioo in - b ore For conversion of smooth-bore guns, nfty thousand dollars. g\1l.lS. innigagminiu at For leveling, clearing, and grading range ground at Sandy Hook com- Samiy wk- mon, building plank roads, targets, cranes, and similar necessaries, and goiiltelegraph poles and wires for ballistic instruments, five thousand o ars. d Q§Mli;>1‘¤ MP SM1- For quarters for superintendent of the proving ground at Sandy Hook, Y °° · two thousand five hundred dollars. Rvyuwiiw Md SEO. 2. That the Secretary of War is authorized and directed to cause g°"“""l ""d’”‘· all the regulations of the Army and general orders now in force to be codified and published to the Army, and to defray the expenses thereof out of the contingent fund of the Army. lhcvmiver of State Sec. 3. And the examiner of State claims in the office of the Secretary ° ‘“"“’· of War shall have, while on such duty, the pay, emolumeuts, and allowances of mounted oilieers one grade higher- than that held by him in his regiment or corps. Mili*<M‘1,,4¢¢d¢~»y Sec. 4. That when a vacancy occurs in the office of professor of the i""’·'°"“""° ””· French language or in the office of professor of the Spanish language in the Military Academy, both these offices shall cease, and the remaining one of the two professors shall be professor of modern languages; and thereafter there shall be in the Military Academy one, and only one, pro- R. S. 1336, fessor of modern languages ; and that section thirteen hundred and thirty— Amended. six of the Revised Statutes be, and is hereby, amended by inserting, after the word "service" in the nrst line, the words " as professor”. MilitaryAcademy Sec. 5. That each member of the graduating classes of the Military graduates. Academy, of eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, and eighteen hundred and eighty, after graduation, may elect, with the assent of the Secretary