Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/541

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FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 152-155. 18S1f 51] third, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, for the suppression of Indian hostilities therein, numbered respectively one hundred and sixty four one hundred and sixty-six, one hundred and sixtyseven, and one hun; dred and sixty-eight, each bond being forthe sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, and bearing interest from date of issue at the rate of seven per centum per annum; the amount herein appropriated being for the principal of said bonds, with interest thereon from date of issue until the first of July, eighteen hundred and sixty: Provided, That said bonds Promo. shall not be paid except out of any amount remaining unapplied of the V appropriation of nine hundred a11d twenty four thousand two hundred and nfty-nine dollars and sixty Eve cents heretofore made. Approved, March 3, 1881. CHAP. 158.-—An act to amend section two thousand two hundred and ninety-seven, Much 3 ]_33]_ of title thirty-two, of the Revised Statutes, relating to homestead settlers. ———-———-——L——---· Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ States of America in Congress assembled, That section numbered twenty- R. S. 2291,amond two hundred and ninety-seven, of title numbered thirty-two, be amended °d- by adding thereto the following proviso, namely : Provided, That where Prooiso. there may be climatic reasons the Commissioner of the General Land Homestead set Office may, in his discretion, allow the settler twelve months from the *101* date of filing in which to commence his residence on said land under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe. Approved, March 3, 1881. CHAP. 154.-An act amendatory of and supplementary to "An act to provide for March 3, 1g3i_ the holding of terms of the district and circuit courts of the United States at Fort -.—-;- Wayne, Indiana", approved June eighteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there shall be two terms Tv<>_t¤rm¤ each each of the United States district and circuit courts for the district of §“{;‘;; Indiana, held in the city of Fort Wayrie, Indiana, said terms to begin on 0,, ,, ,.,”S, Ei; ,. ,_ the second Tuesday in June and December. Wayne, Indiana. Six:. 2. The clerk of the district and circuit courts for the district of Indiana, and marshal and district attorney for said district, shall perform the duties appertainin g to their offices respectively for said courts, and said clerk and marshal shall appoint deputies, who shall reside and D¤r>¤¤>"¢l¤1‘k@¤1d keep their oftlces at Fort Wayne, Indiana. Said deputies shall keep in their offices such records as appertain to their offices, and said deputy W,,y,,,,_ clerk shall keep in his office full records of all actions, proceedings, and judgments in said courts. Approved, March 3, 1881. CHAP. 155.-—An act to confirm the title to certain lands in the State of Ohio. March 3, 1881. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ States of America in Congress assembled, That the United States rehn- Ti¤i<>¤01¤¤d¤ m qllish, to whom it may concern, all title, interest, and control in and to 9£l‘éI_‘;‘;1“H(f,'P€(g1a;)‘j that certain parcel of land in the State of Ohio ceded to the children of m,,, Log,,,, Captain Logan, a chief of the Shawnee tribe of Indians, by the eighth article of the treaty of September twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and seventeen, and more fully described in the patent issued therefor by the President and bearing date the eighteenth day of April, eighteen hundred and twenty-one; and the United States waive and relinquish, for the benefit of whom it may concern, the provision of article three of the treaty of September seventeenth, anno Domini eighteen hundred and eighteen, between the United States and the Wyandot, Seneca, Shaw-