Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/470

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egg FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 133. 1881, Vessels. Repairs of vessels, Coast and Geodetic Survey: For the repairs and maintenance of the complement of vessels used in the Coast and Geodetic Survey, thirty thousand dollars. _ Pntnsmng ctw- Publishing observations, Coast and Geodetic Survey: For continuing i-mens. the publication of observations, and their discussion, made in the progress of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, including compensation of civilians engaged in the work, the publication to be made at the Government Printing Oiiiice, six thousand dollars. General expenses. General expenses, Coast and Geodetic Survey: For rent of buildings for offices, workrooms, and workshops in Washington, ten thousand five hundred dollars. lrentoffire-proof For rent of fire-proof building number two hundred and tive, New- '““'d’“€· Jersey avenue south (excepting rooms for Standard weights and measures), for the safe-keeping and preservation of the original astronomical, magnetic, hydrographic, and other records; the original topographical and hydrographic maps and charts; instruments, engraved plates, and other valuable articles of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, five thousand dollars. Fuel. For fuel for all the offices and buildings, two thousand dollars. 'Pmnsportation of For transportation of instruments, maps, and charts; the purchase of

}r·;¤§;r;:.{:m£:. new instruments, books, maps, and charts ; gas and other miscellaneous

mm new {miami_ expenses, thirteen thousand four hundred dollars. m01I5S, 0150.; mlsnellancous. MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS UNDER THE TREASURY DE- PARTMEN T. N=¤·’¤i<>¤=¤l¤¤¤‘¤¤- Expenses of national currency: For paper, engraving, printing, ex- °Y· prefs charges, and other expenses, one hundred and twenty thousand o ars. _Di¤¤i¤¤l¤iV¤ De- Distinctive paper for United States notes: For paper, including mill

  • ’°"· expenses, transportation, examination, counting, and delivery, twenty-

five thousand dollars. UNDER THE ooMM1sSroNFia. OF FISH AND FISHERIES. F<>¤<1-ii¤l¤¤¤· Propagation of food-fishes: For the introduction of shad and freshwater herring into the waters of the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Gulf and Great Lake States, and of salmon, white-Hsh, carp, gourami, and other useful food-fishes into the waters of the United States generally to which they are best adapted; also for the propagation of cod, herring, mackerel, halibut, Spanish mackerel, and other sea-iishes, and for continuing the inquiry into the causes of the decrease of food—lishes of the United States, ninety-five thousand dollars, which hall be immediately available. Rent or moms, For rent of rooms and other necessary office expenses, one thousand °*°· five hundred dollars. - For maintenance of the United States carp-ponds in the city of Washington and elsewhere, five thousand dollars. For maintenance of the United States fish-hatching vessels, which shall be immediately available, fifteen thousand dollars. _ For the reconstruction of buildings at the salmon-fishery on the McCloud River, in Caliiornia, ten thousand dollars, to be available immediately. Statistffgslgfgen- For collecting statistics of the sea-coast and lake fisheries of C19

’"‘ “ ° ’“‘ United States, especially those covered by the Washington treaty 0T`

y eighteen hundred and seventy-one, three thousand five hundred dollars. Ul¤¤¤¤w<>¤¤ tv For preparation of illustrations for the Report of the United States '°P°"· Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, one thousand dollars. Steamer. _ For_the_constr11ction of a steamer for the prosecution of the work and investigations of the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, one hundred and three thousand dollars.