Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/410

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380 FORTY- SIXTH CONGRESS. SESSHIH. GH. 112, 128. 1881, estimates for said building having iirst been prepared, examined, and - R. S. 3734. approved, as required by section thirty-seven hundred and thirty-four of the Revised Statutes of the United States, upon calculations and Cost. specifications that will insure the completion of the building at a cost Proviso. not to exceed the sum of one hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That no money to be appropriated for said building shall be used until a valid title to the site selected shall be vested in the United States, nor until the State of Mississippi shall have ceded to the United States jurisdiction over the same for all purposes during the time the government shall be or remain the owner thereof, except for the enforcement of the criminal laws of the State and the service of civil process therein. Appropriation. And the sum of one hundred thousand dollars is hereby appropriated for the purposes of this act out of any money in the Treasury not other wise appropriated. _ Approved March 2, 1881. Mare]; 3, 1981, CHAP. 128.-An act to provide for the sale of the remainder of the reservation of the ..— Confederated Otoe and Missouria Tribes of Indians, in the States of Nebraska and Kansas, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United L¤¤<l¤¤1" C¢>¤1“¤d- States of America in Congress assembled, That with the consent of the Q}";m,,_,(;',g_Q,,B‘;“J} Otoe and Missouria Tribes of Indians, expressed in open council, the iu_,},,,,,, i,, Km,,,,,, Secretary of the Interior is authorized to cause to be surveyed and sold mulNe1»r¤ska,¤a1e the remainder of the reservation of said Indians lying in the States of 0*3 ¤¤¤h<>Pi¤<>d- Kansas and Nebraska. Commissioners. Sec. 2. That the lands so surveyed shall be appraised by three commissioners, one of whom shall be designated by said Indians in open council, and the other two by the Secretary of the Interior. Sec. 3. That after the survey and appraisement of said lands, the Secretary of the Interior shall be, and hereby is, authorized to offer the same for sale through the United States public-land office at Beatrice, Nebraska, in tracts not exceeding one hundred and sixty acres, for cash ‘to actual settlers, or persons who shall make oath before the register oi the receiver of the land-officc at_Beatrice, Nebraska, that they intend to occupy the land for authority to purchase which they make application, and who shall within three months from the date of such application make a permanent settlement upon the same, in tracts not exceeding P*¤¤#i·¤¤· one hundred and sixty acres to each purchaser: Provided, That, if in the judgment of the Secretary of the Interior, it shall be more advantageous to sell said lands upon deferred payments, he may, with the consent of the Indians expressed in open council, dispose of the same Terms or sale. upon the following terms as to payments, that is to say: One-quarter in cash, to become due and payable at the expiration of three months from the date of the filing of an application as hereinbefore required, onequarter in one year, one-quarter in two years, and one-quarter in three years from the date of sale, with interest at the rate of five per centum per annum; but in case of default in the cash payment as here- _ inbefore required, the person thus defaulting shall forfeit absolutely his Promao. right to the tract for the purchase of which he has applied: And providedfurtner, That whenever any person shall apply under the provisions of this act to purchase a tract containing a fractional excess over one hundred and sixty acres, if the excess is less than forty acres is contiguous, and results from inability in the survey to make township and section lines conform to the boundary lines of the reservation, his application shall not be rejected on account of such excess; but if no www other Objection exists the purchase shall be allowed as in other GSJSBST Price ‘ And pmvvded fnvther, That no portion of said land shall be sold at 108% P" “"’°· than the appraised value thereof, and in no case less than two dollars and fifty cents per acre. ·