Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/36

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6 FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 11. 1879. National Board quarantine regulations under State authority Where Such regulations °f H°**m‘· are, in the opinion of the National Board of Health, necessary to prevent the introduction of contagious or infectious diseases into the United States from foreign countries, or into one State from another; and at such ports and places within the Un1ted States where quarantine regulations exist under the authority of the State, which, in the opinion of the National Board of Health, are not sufficient to prevent the introduction of such diseases into the United States, or into one State from another, the National Board of Health shall report the facts to the President of the United States, who shall, if, in his judgment, it isnecessary and proper, order said Board of Health to make such additional rules and regulations as are necessary to prevent the introduction of such diseases into the United States from foreign countries, or into one State from another, which, when so made and approved by the President, shall be promulgated by_the National Board of Health and enforced by the sanitary authorities of the States, where the State authoritieswill undertake to execute and enforce them; but if the State authorities shall fail or refuse to enforce said rules and regulations the President may detail an ofiicer or appoint a proper person for that purpose. _ Rules and regu- The Board of Health shall make such rules and regulations as are l¤·*l<>¤¤· authorized by the laws of the United States and necessary to be observed by vessels at the port of departure and on the voyage where such vessels 4 sail from any foreign port or place at which contagious or infectious disease exists, to any port or place in the United States, to secure the best sanitary condition of such vessel, her cargo, passengers, and crew, and when said rules and regulations have been approved by the President they shall be published and communicated to, and enforced by, the P¢·<>viM· consular officers of the United States : Provided, That none of the penalties herein imposed shall attach to any vessel or any owner or officer thereof, till the act and the rules and regulations made in pursuance thereof shall have been ofdcially promulgated for at least ten days in the port from which said vessel sailed. Sanitary reports. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the National Board of Health to obtain information of the sanitary condition of foreign ports and places from which contagious and infectious diseases are or may be imported into By consular om- the United States, and to this end the consular officers of the United °°”· States at such ports and places as shall be designated by the National , Board of Health shall make to said Board of Health weekly reports of the sanitary condition of the ports and places at which they are respectively stationed, according to such forms as said Board of Health may Fr om o t h o r prescribe; and the Board of Health shall also obtain, through all sources ¤<>¤¤‘¤°¤· accessible, including State and municipal sanitary authorities throughout the United States, weekly reports of the sanitary condition of ports _Pop11oas.ion one and places within the United States; and shall prepare, publish, and d¤·>tf¤l»¤t·¤¤· transmit to the medical officers of the Marine Hospital Service, to collectors of customs, and to State and municipal health officers and authorities, weekly abstracts of the consular sanitary reports and other perti· ` _Otl1cr informa- nent information received by said board; and shall also, as far as it WHL may be able, by means of the voluntary co-operation of State and municipal authorities, of public associations and private persons, procure information relating to the climatic and other conditions affecting the _ Report or opera- public health ; and shall make to the Secretary of the Treasury an annual Mus- report of its operations, for transmission to Congress, with such recommendations as it may deem important to the public interests; and said report, if ordered to be printed by Congress, shall be done under the Dirmiblition of d1S€d1O§ O’fli;t}1ih(emN1af l B d f H l h h ll f _ · · · . . v iona oar o ea t s a rom tim imc ”°~‘-!“‘”#"°““- issue to theconsular officers of the United States and to thegrhedical officers serving at any foreign port, and otherwise make publicly known, the rules and regulations made by it and approved by the President, to be used and complied with by vessels in foreign ports for securing the best sanitary condition of such vessels, their cargoes, passengers, and