Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/340

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310 FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. V RES. 55, 56, 57. 1880. June 16, 1880. [No. 55.] Joint resolution in relation to committee-clerks, pages, and other employee; ———-————— of the Senate and House of Representatives. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States Perdiem salaries of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Senate, and

  • 51 °1°;u];;Og;g the Clerk of the _House of Representatives, be and they are hereby,

QU 12h,,, da S authorized and directed to pay all comm1ttee-clerks, pages, laborers, after the eeiljeuril- and other employes of the Senate and House_oi'Representat1ves respectment of session of ively who do not now rece1ve annual salaries, their regular per diem C°”g'°SS· allowance for thirty days irom the adjournment of this session of Con- App,,0prim0D_ gross ; and the aniount necessary to pay the same is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, and shall be immediately available. Approved, June_16, 1880. June 16, 1880. [N o. 56.] Joint resolution to authorize the Secretary of War to sell or lease to the. --—-—-———-—-—--·— Port Huron and Northwestern Railway Company all of the Fort Gratiot military reserve, and to authorize the city of Port Huron to grant to said railway company the right of way through Pine Grove Park. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States Port Huron and of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War is hereby N ORUIWGS t 61*11 authorized to sell to the Port Huron and Northwestern Railway Com- 12;* ;L‘i‘*6V0f(i?;‘1}£ pany all of the Fort Gratiot military reserve remaining unsold or undisgirrggiot military posed of ; and the value of said remaining reserve shall be appraised by reserve. a board, appointed by the Secretary of War, consisting of three competent and disinterested officers of the United States Army; and the price at which the same shall be sold shall not be less than the appraisal by said board and the sale shall be made only under the direction and ap- Right 0 f W a y proval of the Secretary of War. And the city of Port Huron is hereby g;_‘0;§£,‘a·€;kh Pmc authorized to grant said railway company the right of way through the ' easterly portion of that part of the military reserve granted to said city for use as a park, and known and described as Pine Grove Park. . Approved, June 16, 1880. U June 16, 1880. [No. 57.] Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to certify school —-—-—-————-— lands to the State of Kansas. Preamble. Whereas, the United States has sold and disposed of sections sixteen and thirtysix m certain Indian reservations embraced within the territorgal limits of the State of Kansas, in pursuance of treaty obligations; an \;Vliere(ais(tl§ Stage og Kansas, in pursuance of a decision of the Genera an ce ate ugust fourteenth eighteen hundred and sev- · » enty-seven, has selected for school purposes other equivalent lands in llmlu 0; such sections sixteen and thirty-six, disposed of as aforesaid: ere ore . ' Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States H Plzlgligaggstconé of America in Congress assembled, That the lands so selected by the Klggms in 1;;* of State of Kansas be, and the same are hereby, connrmed to said State; motions 16 and 36_ and the Seeretaryof the Interior be, and hereby is, authorized to cortlfy the same to said State, in lieu of sections sixteen and thirty-six, sold , and disposed of by the United States, within the limits of any former Indian reservation as aforesaid. i Approved, June 16, 1880.