Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/292

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262 roivrrsixcrn oononnss. sees. n. cu. 235. mso. ninety-nve lighitkeepers and fog-signal keepers, five hundred and sixty- five thousan dollars. _ _ _ Light-vessels. Expenses of light-vessels: Seamen’s_ wages, rations, repairs, salaries, supplies, and incidental expenses of thirty-one light-ships, two hundred and forty thousand dollars. _ _ _ _ _ Buoyage. Buoyage: For expenses of raising, cleaning, painting, repairing, removing, and supplying losses of buoys, spmdles, and day-beacons, and for chains, sinkers, stakes, and dolphins, and similar necessarles, three hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. _ _ _ Fog-signals. Fog-signals: For repairs and incidental expenses in_ renewing, duplicating, establishing, and improving fog-signals and buildings connected therewith, fifty thousand dollars. _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 u s p e e n i u g Inspecting lights: For expenses of visiting and inspecting lights and lights. other aids to navigation, including rewards paid for information as to collisions, four thousand dollars. _ _ . _ suppliesorlighr- Supplies of light-houses: For supplying the light-houses, beacon-lights, houses. and fog—signals on the Atlantic, Gulf, Lake, and Pacino coasts with illuminating and cleansing materials, and such other materialsas maybe required for annual consumption, including the expenses of inspection and delivery of the same; for books and furniture for light-stations, and other incidental and necessary expenses, three hundred and seventy-ve thousand dollars. Repairs. Repairs of light-houses and stations: For repairs and incidental cxpenses of light-houses and stations; for rebuilding, renovating, and improving the same, and buildings connected therewith; and for the purchase and repair of illuminating apparatus and machinery, two hundred and eighty-nve thousand dollars. Lightin gMa¤ rl Lighting and buoyage: For maintenance of lights and buoys on the

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*:55 lglgssissippi, Ohio, and Missouri Rivers, one hundred and forty thousand

. · . .· dollars. Mypéogl l1é;;??`,, - And so much of section forty-six hundred and seventy-two of the Repealed in part. vised Statutes of the U; ited States as provides compensation tocollectors of the customs for services as superintendents of lights or as disbursingagents for the Light-House Establishment is hereby repealed. &Light-houses, Lronruoosms, BEAcoNs, AND Fos-SIGNALS. 0. Elm tree. For protecting the site of the Elm Tree beacon, of the Swash Channel range, entrance to New York Harbor, two thousand five hundred dollars. Prince’s Bay. For protecting the site of the Priuce’s Bay light—station, Staten Island, New York, three thousand five hundred dollars. Rondout creek. For establishing stake-lights on the dikes at the entrance to Rondout Creek, Hudson River, New York, one thousand dollars. Purehoseoflaud, For purchase of additional strip of land at Staten Island depot, New Shawl I¤l¤~¤d· York, and for repairs and dredging, twenty-one thousand dollars. Cape Henry. For continuing the construction of the lighthouse, and the purchase of additional land not exceeding six acres, at Cape Henry, Virginia twenty-five thou and dollars. L¤·¤¤·r¤i¤¤<> depot- For enlarging pier-accommodation at Lazaretto depot, near Baltimore, Maryland, four thousand dollars. Portsmouth. For rebuilding wharf at the buoy and supply depot, Portsmouth, Virginia, four thousand five hundred dollars. Florida Reefs. thFor esltaéiliphing and repairing day-beacons on the Florida Reefs, ten · thousand dollars. · Mobile Harbor. For establishing a series of lights to guide into Mobile Harbor, Alabama, six thousand dollars. 1876, eh. 246, That the appropriation of twenty thousand dollars made by the act Stat., 19, 112. of July thirty-first, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, for rebuilding Mawgvrda Bay- and repairing light-houses on the coast of Texas is hereby made available ior the erection of range-lights to guide into Matagorda Bay.