Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/272

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242 FORTYSIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. GH. 234. 1880. notes, and other securities of the United States, as well as the coins of the United States, and other crimes against the government, and for no other purpose whatever, being a deficiency for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty, five thou and dollars._ _ _ _ _A1‘¥=~¤gi¤s Mid For arranging and binding canceled marine papers, requisitions, and b“‘d‘?‘g °“"‘°°1°‘1 other important records, sealing ships’ registers, for foreign postage, xgrme p°P°m’ newspapers, books and hand stamps, and repairs of the same, being a deficiency for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty, two thousand dollars. Coal, wood, &c. For coal, wood, grates, grate baskets and fixtures, stoves and fixtures, blowers, coal-hods, hearths, shovels, tongs, pokers, matches and matchsafes for the Treasury Department, one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. Ice, &o. For ice, ice—buckets, file-holders, book-rests, labor, clocks and repairs of the same for the Treasury Department, one thousand two hundred dollars. Prin ting and For printing and binding for the Treasury Department for the current l>i¤di¤g· fiscal year, seven thousand dollars. Gas, drop-lights, For gas, drop-lights and tubing, gas-burners, brackets, and globes, &¤· candles, lanterns, and wicks, being a deficiency for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty, five thousand dollars. D osks, tables, For desks, tables, and chairs, and shelving for iile rooms and cases, &•>- repairs of furniture, boxes, rugs, chair covers and caning, cushions, cloth for covering desks locks, screws, handsaws, turpentine, and varnish, being a deficiency for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty, five thousand dollars. Washing towels, For washing towels, brooms, brushes, crash, cotton, cloth, cane, chamois- &°· skins, dusters, flour, keys, lye, matches, nails, oil, powders, sponge, soap, tacks, wall-paper, and the other miscellaneous expenses required for the current and ordinary business of the department, and for repairs of machinery, baskets, spittoons, nles, water-coolers, tumblers, ice-picks, bowls and pitchers, traps, thermometers, ventilators, towels, awnings and fixtures, alcohol, window-shades and fixtures, wire screens, hemming towels, axes, bellows, chisels, canvas, candlesticks, door and window fasteners, bells and bell-pulls, hammers, mallets, leather, gum and other belting, stencil-plates, tools, whetstones, wire, and zinc, and other absolutely necessary expenses, being a deneiency for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty, five thousand dollars. _ RGPWMGM *0 For the repayment to importers the excess of deposits for unascer-

,';’},‘3;,t,‘;”,;°;“°" °f tained duties, or duties or other moneys paid under protest, including

’interest and costs in juzdlgment cases, three hundred thousand dollars, which sum is hereby m e available for the payment of all claims to which the appropriation is applicable which are not payable from the R. S. 3689. permanent annual appropriation provided for in section thirty-six hun- Proouo. dred and eightynine, Revised Statutes: Provided, That no portion of this appropriation shall be expended for the payment of claims known as "charges and commissions cases”. Vault room for' To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to provide more secure and <=<>i¤ wd l>¤Ui¤¤- Eeed be additional vault room for coin and bullion, twenty thousand o ars. J udgments in To enable the Secretary of the Treasury, in his discretion, to pay judg- “9h%F8€¤¤¤d<>gm· ments in “eharges and commissions cases", obtained since January, "““““‘““ °“°“· eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, and which may be hereafter obtained, or to settle any of said cases, in his discretion, by compromise, seventy-ive thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. Unexpendedbal- That the unexpended balance of the appropriation of thirty thousand zuggl tifftzigggj dollars "for the payment of debentures or drawbacks, bounties, and ,,,,1.%,,, &c_ allowances which are or may be authorized and payable according to 1878, 0h_19i, laws authorizing them", made in the act of June fourteenth, eighteen Stat. @0, 128, re- hundred and seventy-eight (Statutes, volume twenty, page one hulldréd ¤PP*°P¤¤*0d· and twenty-eight), is hereby reappropriated and made available for iihé payment of all claims to which the appropriation is applicable, which