Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/164

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l 34 FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 88. 1880. four thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be available immediately. _ _ x Secretary, pay of. For one secretary to the commission four thousand dollars; for one _I¤•*¢*1¤‘¤*•>>‘» 1***3/ interpreter, three thousand dollars; and for additional contingent ex- °!·C ,. , E, peuses, six thousand dollars; in all, thirteen thousand dollars to be 8,.,, °" mg"' mp l` immediately available. _ _ _ _ nnvcys extmor- For salaries of envoys extraordinary and ministers plenipotentiary to ·l*¤M>’· Chili and Peru, at ten thousand dollars each, twenty thousand dollars. Mi¤i¤¤>1‘¤ MM- For ministers resident at Belgium, Netherlands, Argentine Republic, d°“"· Sweden and Norway, Turkey, Venezuela, Hawaiian Islands, and the United States of Colombia, at seven thousand nve hundred dollars each, sixty thousand dollars. _ _ Ministers re si- For minister resident and consul-general at Bolivia, nve thousand doldent and consnls- ]m·S_ g"'““"‘L For minister resident accredited to Guatemala, Costa Rica, Honduras, Salvador, and Nicaragua, to reside at the place that the President may select in either of the states named, ten thousand dollars. For minister resident and consulgeneral to Hayti, seven thousand five hundred dollars. hor minister resident and consul-general to· Liberia, four thousand do lars. Charges d * a f- For charges d’aifaires ad interim and diplomatic officers abroad, faires c<1int<>ri¤¤- twenty thousand dollars. Charges (1* it r. For salaries of charges d’affaires to Portugal, Denmark, Paraguay and faires. U1'llgl§il»%, and Switzerland, at five thousand dollars each, twenty thousand e dollars. Secretaries of For salaries of the secretaries to the legations at London, Paris, Berlegeticn. lin, and Saint Petersburg, at two thousand six hundred and twenty-five dollars each, ten thousand five hundred dollars. For salary of the secretary of legation at Japan, two thousand live hundred dollars. _ For salaries of the secretaries to the legations at Austria, Italy, Mexuilo, Bramlé said Spain, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each, nine t ousanc dollars. Second secretaries For salaries of the second secretaries to the legations at Great Britain,

  • 0 ¥¢0¤**•M» my of- Trance, and Germany, at two thousand dollars each, six thousand dollars.

Clerk to ugawm For salary of a clerk to the legation at Spain, one thousand two hun- ·=¢ S1>¤¢··.1»¤y <»J1 dred dollars. Interpreters. For the salary of the secretary to the legation (when acting also as interpreter) at China, five thousand dollars. - thllor tged slalary of the interpreter to the legation in Turkey, three ousan dollars. drF(;>r1 th:. interpreter to the legation at Japan, two thousand nve hune dollars. Contingent ex- For contingent expenses of foreign intercourse proper, and of all the Penses. missions abroad, eighty thousand dollars. Sounnunn B. Consulates. For the_agent and consul-general at Cairo, four thousand dollars. Fénrdaldiplomatic agent and consul-general at·Bucharest, four thousan dollars. For the consuls-general at London, Paris, Havana, and Bio de Janeiro, each six thousand dollars, twenty-four thousand dollars. For the consuls-general at Calcutta and Shanghai, each five thousand dollars, ten thousand dollars. lmlgor the consul-general at Melbourne, four thousand five hundred dol- For the consuls-general at Kan awa a d M t l h f h . sand dollars, eight thousand dollaarg. n on ma ’ Bac our t Ou For the consul-general at Berlin, four thousand dollars.