Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/116

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86 FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. OH. 73. 1880. ferriages; pay of the watchmen in the navy-yards; and for awnings and packing-boxes, four hundred and forty thousand dollars. _ Contingent ex- For contingent expenses that may arise at navy—yards and stations, P““S°**· twenty thousand dollars. _ Ciyii establish- For the civil establishment, thirty-seven thousand nine hundred and m°“"· six dollars and twenty-five cents. _ _ Naval Asylumat At the Naval Asylum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: For superintend- Ph11“d"]Phl”· ent, six hundred dollars; steward, four hundred and eighty dollars; matron, three hundred and sixty dollars ; cook, two hundred and forty dollars; two assistant cooks, one hundred and sixty-eight dollars each; chief laundress, one hundred and ninety-two dollars; four laundresses, at one hundred and sixtyeight dollars each ; eight sorubbers and waiters, at one hundred and sixtyeight dollars each ; six laborers, at two hundred and forty dollars each; stable-keeper and driver, three hundred and sixty. dollars ; master-at-arms, four hundred and eighty dollars; corporal, three hundred dollars; barber, three hundred and sixty dollars; carpenter, eight hundred and forty/dvc dollars; water-rent and gas, two thousand dollars; ice, two hundred dollars; car-tickets, two hundred and fifty dollars; cemetery and burial expenses, headstones, and digging graves, three hundred and fifty dollars; improvement of grounds, five hundred dollars; repairs and preservation of all kinds, painting, and for grates, furnaces, ranges, furniture, and repairs of furniture, four thousand five hundred dollars; a11d for support of beneficiaries, forty- _ _ three thousand five hundred dollars; in all, nity-nine thousand three col-:;*g,_£;$,¤§P1€;· pundrgd and nine dollaiés; (yvhich sum shall be paid out of the income sim, fum, "rom the nava pension un BUREAU OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY. Medicine and For support of the medical department, for surgeonsmecessaries for “‘“”g°*Y· vessels in commission, navy-yards, naval stations, Marine Corps, and Coast Survey, forty-five thousand dollars.· Maintenance of For the naval-hospital fund, namely: For maintenance of the naval °‘2;*§‘“‘ "“"“] h°S‘ hospitals at Portsmouth, New Hampshire; Chelsea, Massachusetts; pl a S` Brooklyn, New York; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Annapolis, Mary- land; Washington, District of Columbia; N oriolk, Virginia; Pensacola, Florida; Mare Island, California; and Yokohama, Japan, nity thousand ‘ dollars. contingent ex- For contingent expenses of the bureau: For freight on medical stores; P•¤¤¤·*S· ‘ transportation of insane patients to the government hospital; advertising; telegraphing; purchase of books; expenses attending the medical board of examiners; purchase and repair of wagons, harness; purchase anddfeedlof horses and cows; trees, garden-tools, and seeds, fifteen thousan dollars. Repairs. For necessary repairs of naval laboratory, naval hospitals, and appendages, including roads, wharves, out-houses, sidewalks, fences, gardens, farms, and cemeteries, thirty thousand dollars. Civil establish- For the civil establishment at the several naval hospitals, navy-yards, M""- naval laboratory, and Naval Academy: For the maintenance of the several naval hospitals and naval laboratory, navy-yards, and Naval Academy, forty thousand dollars. BUREAU OF PROVISIONS AND CLOTHING. cl;-gfiglelvm end For provisions for the seamen and marines; commuted rations for g‘ officers, seamen, and marines; expenses of the handling and transpor- _ tation of provisions; of inspections and storehouses; and for purchase gemrgnteltien of of water for ships, and for provisions and commutation of rations for m ‘°“**_ °” °>’“· seven hundred and fifty boys, one million two hundred thousand dol- Pwvwc larsz Provided, That the Secretary of the Navy may substitute for the ration of "two ounces of desiccated potatoes" six ounces of desiccated tomatoes if he shall believe such substitution to be conducive to the