Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/693

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Funds pledged for paying interest, &c.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That so much of the funds constituting the annual appropriation of eight millions of dollars, for the payment of the principal and interest of the public debt of the United States, as may be wanted for that purpose, is hereby pledged and appropriated for the payment of the interest, and for the reimbursement of the principal of the stock, which may be created by virtue of this act. It shall accordingly be the duty of the commissioners of the sinking fund to cause to be applied and paid out of the said fund yearly, and every year, such sum and sums as may be annually wanted to discharge the interest accruing on the said stock, and to reimburse the principal as the same shall become due, and may be discharged in conformity with the terms of the loan; and they are further authorized to apply, from time to time, such sum or sums out of the said fund, as they may think proper, towards redeeming by purchase, and at a price not above par, the principal of the said stock or any part thereof. And the faith of the United States is hereby pledged to establish sufficient revenues for making up any deficiency that may hereafter take place in the funds hereby appropriated for paying the said interest and principal sums, or any of them in manner aforesaid.

Approved, March 2, 1811.

Statute ⅠⅠⅠ.

March 2, 1811.

Chap. XXXIII.An Act to annex a part of the state of New Jersey to the collection district of New York; to remove the office of Collector of Niagara to Lewistown; to make Cape St. Vincent, in the district of Sacket’s Harbor, a port of delivery; and out of the districts of Miami and Mississippi to make two new districts, to be called the Districts of Sandusky and Teche; and for other purposes.

Part of the state of New Jersey added to the district of New York.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all that part of the state of New Jersey, which lies north and east of Elizabethtown and Staten Island, be, and the same is hereby annexed to the district of New York; that an assistant collector, to be appointed and commissioned by the President of the United States, shall reside at the town of Jersey, who shall have power to enter and clear vessels in like manner as the collector of New York is authorized by law to do; but such assistant collector shall nevertheless act in conformity to such instructions1799, ch. 22, sec. 5. and regulations as he shall from time to time receive from the collector of New York; and that the said assistant collector shall receive for his annual salary one thousand dollars, in full for all services to be by him performed, and in lieu of commissions and fees.

District of Sandusky.
1805, ch. 34.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That all that part of the Miami district, lying east of the western cape of Sandusky bay, shall be a district, to be called the district of Sandusky; and the President is hereby authorized to designate such place in the district of Sandusky, as he shall judge expedient, to be the port of entry of the said district; and a collector for the said district shall be appointed to reside at the port of entry.

Cape Vincent made a port of delivery only.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That Cape Vincent in the district of Sacket’s Harbor shall, from and after the thirty-first day of May next, be a port of delivery only; and a surveyor shall be appointed to reside at the said port.

Transfer of the collector’s office from Niagara to Lewistown, &c. &c.
1799, ch. 22, sec. 2.
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the collector’s office shall, after the thirty-first day of May next, be removed from Fort Niagara to Lewistown, which last mentioned place shall in future be the residence of the collector; and also that the office of the collector of the customs, for the district of Buffaloe creek, shall be kept at such place or places in the town of Buffaloe as the President of the United States shall designate.