Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/302

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Specific appropriations.northwest of the river Ohio, and in keeping the books of the treasury, in relation to the sales of lands at the several land-offices, two thousand dollars.

For fuel and other contingent expenses of the treasury department, four thousand dollars.

For defraying the expenses incident to the stating and printing the public accounts for the year one thousand eight hundred and four, one thousand two hundred dollars.

For purchasing books, maps, and charts, for the use of the treasury department, four thousand dollars.

For compensation to a superintendent employed to secure the buildings and records of the treasury, during the year one thousand eight hundred and four, including the expense of two watchmen, and for the repair of two fire engines, and other incidental expenses, one thousand four hundred dollars.

For compensation to the Secretary of War, clerks, and persons employed in his office, eleven thousand two hundred and fifty dollars.

For the expenses of fuel, stationery, printing, and other contingent expenses of the office of the Secretary of War, including certain contingent expenses incurred in the year one thousand eight hundred and one, one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars and two cents.

For compensation to the accountant of the war department, clerks and persons employed in his office, ten thousand nine hundred and ten dollars.

For contingent expenses in the office of the accountant of the war department, one thousand dollars.

For compensation to clerks employed in the paymaster’s office, one thousand eight hundred dollars.

For fuel in the said office, ninety dollars.

For compensation to the purveyor of public supplies, clerks and persons employed in his office,1799, ch. 40. including a sum of twelve hundred dollars for compensation to his clerks, in addition to the sum allowed by the act of the second day of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, and for expense of stationery, store rent and fuel for the said office, four thousand eight hundred dollars.

For extra expenses incurred by the removal of the office of purveyor of public supplies from Philadelphia to Germantown, in the year one thousand eight hundred and three, two hundred and three dollars.

For compensation to the Secretary of the Navy, clerks and persons employed in his office, nine thousand one hundred and ten dollars.

For expense of fuel, stationery, printing, and other contingent expenses in the office of the Secretary of the Navy, two thousand dollars.

For compensation to the accountant of the navy, clerks and persons employed in his office,1799, ch. 40. including the sum of one thousand one hundred dollars, for compensation to his clerks, in addition to the sum allowed by the act of the second of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, ten thousand four hundred and ten dollars.

For contingent expenses in the office of the accountant of the navy, seven hundred and fifty dollars.

For compensation to the Postmaster-General, assistant Postmaster-General, clerks and persons employed in the Postmaster-General’s office,1799, ch. 40. including a sum of four thousand five hundred and ninety-five dollars, for compensation to his clerks in addition to the sum allowed by the act of the second of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, thirteen thousand nine hundred and fifty-five dollars.

For expense of fuel, candles, house rent for the messenger, stationery, chests, &c., exclusive of expenses of prosecution, portmanteaus, mail locks, and other expenses incident to the department; these being paid for by the Postmaster-General out of the funds of the office, two thousand dollars.