Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/800

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7 7 4 INDEX. ` Pago. . Page. Sim Nation I ndians of New York, Smith, Da/Mel, appropriations for annuity to .. . . 191,266 appropriation for payment of claim of . 520 Sixth Auditor, Treasury Department, Smith, Ebmeze,3 appropriations for salaries in office oi. 150, o0l appropriation fo,. payment of claim of _ _ _ _ 481 appointments and removals of postmasters . . . . to be ooiiiaii io .. . . l,.. oi ~*‘~~·"·» EM ¢<h···i··~*¤·¢*~¤- . when to report postmastcrs of fourth cla:-s °‘¥’Pl`°p"“'°‘°“ f°1` P***Ym""t °f clmm °f- ·-·- 479 _ no Postmaster-General .. . . .. 82 Snmh, George ll. notice of changes of salaries of postmasters . 8rPP1'0P1'l8·Fl0ll for payment of claim of . 533 ‘ to be sent to .. . . . ... 82 Smilh, George R., * 1‘0P0i‘l$ of, $0 8h0W ii0¤¤<‘l¤l ¤¤¤<1i¤i<>¤ of appropriation for pavment of claim of. .,.. 460 Post-Oilicc Department; to be made Sm", Henry ° · . i »._ II i I(li3en;o¥§.1‘l:IougA;iii;rri>)£ - $0 0l‘PY0Pl`1¤F10H for payment of claim or', ____ 197 sian, Joni 1c., Smifhi Ivvmr _ appropriation for payment of claim of . ..,. . 428 9·llP"°Pl`l”·U0U fm' P8·Ym0¤l$ of claim of- ---- 533 Slcinner, John W., Smith, James A., ‘ ’appropriation for payinent of claim of .. 481 appropriation for payment of claim of. 533 S Kl0”am_1’¢•§ll0M8» _ qu K Smith, Janice Argyle, · SI:l;£1`*B:l;Wl0¤S for l¤¤t0Hm00l7$i 0W-; *0- - ·1—·‘·‘87 political disabilities of, removed . . 499 appropriation for payment of claim of .. 458 Smwg J°°ll?a.P‘* f _ f l . _ SLq,f(»r, Gem-gg, dgcgaged, allproplld IOL} 01 [)B»ylIl0I`1i] 0 claim of? ,___ 48,} appropriation for payment of claim of estate $*****7*, J60Foi of ____ _ _________ _ _______ ____ ________ 455-3 appropriation for payment of claim of . 520 . Slater, Thomair E., administrator, Smith, Joh]'; _ appropriation for payment of claim of. 488 ¤·PPFoP1‘1¤l¤0¤ fo1‘ puymwt of <=h¤·i¤l of - 533 Slaughter, James E., Smilh, John H., · political disabilities oi', removed .. - 425 appropriation for palynygnh of ciajm of _____ 533 Slemwns, William F., Smith JO]", L s from liability for certain stolen ’. ,· ·" - · . . T816a tgffmds etc 540 ztppiopuation for payment of claim Oi. 463 ’‘’‘'‘‘ ’‘'’ ’ ‘’‘’’ "Smith Jonathan Slight Anne, V ’ i · ’ _ -l appropriation for payment of claim of . 458 appmpr lmou for Payment of dm D of `'` 477 ~ S,. h G _ A Smith, Louisa, W t> W g'? ·> , appropriation for payment of claim of . 483 appropriation for payment of claim of . 488 Smith, Lucy, Slight, Jansen_P., _ appropriation for miyment of claim of. 462 appropriation for payment of claim of 488 Smith, Marielta L., Slight, Jam E, appropriation for payment of claim of . 536 appropriation for payment of claim of . 488 Smiih, Martha, Slight Robert deceased, appropriation for payment of claim of . 483 appropriation for payment of claim of heirs Smith, Mary, of . . . . . . . . .. . .. 488 appropriation for payment of claim of.. -. . 481 Sloan, Carpllne, , , Smith, Mary J., appropriation for payment of claim of . 522 appropriation ior payment of claim of .. . . 488 Sloan, George, and Brothers, Sm", Mm., V B . . . .. , y . ., Sgg'?r?¥;Z':_g°2,'i;3g;¥;"°"G °f clmm °f‘ ‘‘‘‘ M") appropriation for payment of claim of . 466 ! ’ I . appropriation for payment of claim oi', as 'S"””'*•N·°l·» _ _ _ surviving pmhuem 0; Gcorgc Siam, appropriation ior payment of claim of . 197 and Brothers . . . . . . 463 Smith, Pompey, Smalling, Duke W., appropriation for payment of claim of. 528 appropriation for payment of claim of. 485 ,9,,,;,],, Igobcccia Aw · Swdleyi W- Tl10V0a8i _ _ _ appropriation lor iiziyiucnt of claim of 5253 appropriation for payment of claim of . 462 Smith Robert J Smith Allen , ’_ · · " · ~.· . um;mpl_mfi(m for payment of Claim of---- _ 479 appiopriation for payment of claim oi'. 4: 1 Smith, Allen lx'., deceased, Smith, Robcrtlé'., U _ I-) appropriation for payment. of claim of heirs 482 ¤·[’1“`0P¤`l0·tl0¤ for payment of 0l¤·"¤ 0* »—--· 40- of . ... · . . . . . . . . · · Smith Samuel Smit],, Alvis, appropriation for payment of claim of . 524 appropriation for payment of claim of . 438 S""”*» T ·i {l¢’0€¢8¢’d, _ Smith, Andgrslm J, approppmtion for payment of claim of estate 461 payment to .. . . . . . . . . 455 _ ° ‘‘‘‘‘‘ "" ‘‘'‘‘ ‘‘'‘‘ ‘ '‘‘ ‘ ''‘ — Smith Thomas sr. Smith Andrew J., ’ · -’ ’ _ · . . &m;mm_iat,0u for payment of Claim Of. I · _ I 433 appropriation for payment of claim of . 535 Smith, Benjamin F., Sm'""; TIWMQU M;. _ _ r_ _ appropriation roi- piiyiiioiiii or oioim or . 4:;:; ai>r>¤>i>r¤¤»¤<>¤ i<>r paymeut vi claim of ·---- ->3·$ Smith Cassandra Smmli William; ’ _ . . ’. _ . . , · · · ·, _ _ rpg appi opriation 1or payment of claim ot. 48o 0·PPl`0PU¤·l9l0¤ for P¤Ym0¤t 0* dm ll of- - - 0 Smilh, Charles, Smirh, William H., appropriation for payment of claim of . 527 S appropriation for payment to .. . .. 225 Smith Ghrislmn, muh William M. appropriation for payment of claim of . 482 appropriation for payment of claim of . 430