Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/774

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748 mnnx. Page. Page. Oconlo River, Ojloial Slenographwn, House, Northwestern Improvement Company mary appropriation for payment for reporting for improve ; damages to be paid for; House committees to be paid on cerrlght of Iudizms to use improvement tincate of -. .. . ..,.. 104 reserved; proviso .. . . . . 89 Ogallalla Sioux Indians, Odell, W. H, act mtifying agreement with .. . . 254, 257 appropriations for paiyment of accounts of. 366 Ohio, - Odom, J emrings, p appropriations for river and harbor improveappropriation for payment of claim of . 520 ments iu. . . . . . 133,136 Odor, Waller, for liglit-stations on coast of .. . . 112 Oippropriution for payment of claim of . 488 post-road:} established in .. 21, 330, 341 ensea records o land-oflioe at Chillicothe to be limiteticin of time for prosecuting, not ca.pi— 32 transferred to authorities of .. .. 121 fu . . . . . . . .. Ohio R-iner, Opfco-Envelopes, Pont-Ojliee Department, a.ppropriu.tion for improvement of . 137 epproprie,tious for . . . . ... 80,384 lor maintenance of lights on . . .. 53 . 0_0zoc—1¤wr1n1ure for Post-Ojilccs, for lighting and buoyage of: ... 111, 352 upproprumous for .. . . 79,384 channel on south side of Neville Island iu, Qgi0€,·, of A,.my, _ _ may be closed; proviso. 58 number of, detailed to colleges, increased.. 74 0*68***3 Wiuuwo _ _ ba,,,, of m,S,,“co to; provjsos ______ _ ______ wg 'npproprniinon for payment of claim for use of 4:34 to have unileege in lieu of expenses of travel. 100 Od and OQ”<W8¤ N¢w.U• Qfliccrs and Employee, House, ¤PP*`°P“”·*l°U*‘ f°F ·--- · ---·· ---- ··-··· ·---67» 386 appropriations for compensation of . .. 145, 296 Oldham, J93Q2h H: _ Omwra and EmpIoyé8’ Swan, 0Zs;.1pp1<};;li:,t.10n for payment of clmm of . 429 no ro rimions for com ensution of ... 143 294 ° ’ .> . . Ojiigelrs OI} Jmmnm Deporimenzs, ’ 0,?PR’°,¥;¥;jE°‘°”1§°' P"·Y‘“°“* °f °l‘°““‘ °f ···-· 475 reduct}012 in number of, when to go into ef· 68 ;;;;i0;·g‘l?z;:;t6é’ to 548 ect .. .. . . . -. .. . 1 _ , ._ ’°'’° "C"' 017Yvm vf JM!/· Ozxiiigaigzé captain in Army . 467 to be allowed mileage in lieu of traveling- Omaha [nam", °Xl?0“S°S ------ - ---·-·---···- =·· ···· 65 approprintiolis for installments, etc., t0.. .186,281 Om'"? Qf *$°"°E’°» _ Omoa. and Truxillo, l””°Sidmi§ 0H1cm`: 9*0-: °f S°¤*’·t° may admlm consulate at to be removed to Utila. in the ister oaths to .. . . . .. ,..- 34 Bay 0;* Islands _____ _ ______ __ _______ 4 0j}icera’ Qmaricra, Jllarino Corps, Only, William II, appropriations for .. . ... . . 72, 391 appropriation for payment of claim of . 532 Ojicca of Exchange, Onlonagon, Mich., under postal convention with Bermuda 645 appropriation forimprovemeut of harbor of. 133 with Ja.p2»n .. . . . ... 557 Ordinance of 1787, with New South Wales .. . .. .-.. 569 to be included in new edition of Revised with Queensland . . . . - .. 637 Statutes . . . . . .. 269 ogzemz Business, _ Ordnance Bmvw. N¢¤{y· _ _ letters, etc., ou, may be sent by mail free; to 3»PPfoP¤M¤°¤¤ for éalaricsy °{¤·» 1*1 - ----·· 162, 312 be so marked; penalty for falsely using Ordnance P¢1{¢"im¢°*F, A7‘m11» ofticinl envelopes , . . . .. . 335 ¤PP*°P¤”·U°“¤ fm`-- -_· ··---· · -----·-----·- 100 Ovmciaz D0(,umem58’ Ordnance pcpartment, Lavy, appropriations for packing, em- .. 162,313 #»¤m>¤<>z>¤¤¤¤·¤<>¤¤ f<>¤ ---· -_ ----- - -~--- -- -----— 67, **87 Oman; Engelopeg, Ordnance end Gunncry, Mzllmry Academy, my public business to be provided ; what to =¤1~pr<>r»r¤=¤’¤¤¤¤ f¤r <1·=v¤r¤m¤¤¤ of ---- - ---- 126, 362 contain . . . . . ... 226 Ordwnve Qjfqv, War Dqvarivwwi, _ °·#*¤i•¤*E*·¤¤*¤¢-·,"¤~*°1>*¢·¤ D·¤=·~·"···¢··*· 2§£§€é’5‘$é§1“€¤§‘§”S3'2.E§?a§E3’iL“ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ”°’°}é3 appropriation or . . . . . . . .. 385 _ . . . ‘' contracts for, may be signed by Third Assist- Kmma t0kha';.° cmdm mr ccrmm arms on 206 M P°S*m¤¤*·¤·G¢¤¤r¤*-· ·-·· · ·—---— 335 Ordnance 33d‘b?daa;,za‘s»;;a;tray.}; ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ OJFM G¢·e·=*!·=» 1'¤*¤··*» 017% . appropriation for . ’. . f . mo appropriations for phobol1tl10grapl.ungfor.164, 314 0,d,,mwe and Ordnance Supplies, Navy, Oploial Postage-Stamps, appropriations for . ... .. .. .. . .67, 387 appropriation for, for Post-Office Depart- 80 Ordnance Service, ilrmy, 100 men . ... . . e ro rintions or- rovisos . . for Sergeant-at-Arnns of Senate . 226 Oregsn, P , P for Treasury Department . . - - - . 303, 364 appropriations for office of surveyor-general for manufacture of .. . . . .. .. 384 of , ,..,...,. , ..,.. 122, 165, 315, 349 for Executive Departments to be furnished for pay of Indian agents and interpreters on requisition ; amount to be credited in .. . . 176, 117, 271, 272 to postal appropriations ... 169, 319 for incidental expenses Indian service in; Ojieial Postal Guide, how expended . . . . 198, 292 appropriations for purchase of ... 109, 316 for river improvements in . . .. . 135, 138 Ojlcial Postal Correspondence, for light-stamens on coast of . . .. 113 wiuh Bermuda. to be free .. . .. 647 to supply de£ciencies in appropriation for with Japan not to give rise to accounts 560 office of surveyor-general of . . .. 367 Oflcial Records of Rebellion, for snrveyin public lands in 366, 375 appropriations for publishing , . .. 119, 360 for survey 0% Indian reservations in. .. 368 Ojioial Reporiers, House, _ for incidental expenses Indian service appropriations for .-.. .. . . -. .. 297 in . . . ... . .. 376