Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/758

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732 mimx. Pm . . .. . Pm Lawszm, Anthony, Legislative, Exoountive, and Judwu1.lAppr0pi·m¢¤oiw, appropriation forpayuient of claim of ; pr0~ for legislative branch: Vi¤0 - ----· - ---- · ---~·- - --... . . . . 470 Senate. .. . . . ..--- I4?} 994 L0»w80’ri, GOOT9c W, House of Representatives. . -.. Lb,296 =»ppr<>p1‘iMic>n for payment of claim of. 461 Capitol police - ... 144, 295 Lawson, Mage;) dgggqged, Library of C0¤gtAss. . . . . . 147, 297 _ ¤1>!>¤‘<>1>1‘i=¤f»i<>1¤ W payment ofclnim of estate f public printing . -L . . .. 146, 297 of .. . . . .. . . . . . . . 536 or executive rauc : Law80¢1,Rebeccu, administmirix, President and Vice-President .. .--- 148,299 T appropriation for payment of claim of . 536 ggregugve ognco .{ . . . . Eg, gg A11/mlm d7ll€8 a epa, men .. . ... . . , ¤PP1‘0i>Pi&i3i<>;1 fw` payment of claim of . 531 Treas11ryDop:1rbn1e11t . 139, 299 L6¢1d8fo¢‘ Sounding, Navy, Independent Treasury . . . . .-.. 1.:4, 304 uppwpriutions for .. - .. . . . . 66, 386 mints and assay-omoos ... . . -. 156,306 Mm., Nancy, War Department .. ... . . . - 158, $10 2»1>pl‘0DPi3»ti0¤ for p¤.ymeut of claim of . 476 N”·"Y_D°P°'*m°“* ·--- - -·--------·-·-· 16} 31} [IM",} E06MM,., Interior Department . . .. N22, 312 u\>]`»1‘0p1‘ia.tion for payniuut of claim of .,.., 519 taulmual S°V*”`“m°“ts— · -·--· - -·--· ·· 1°8• 30;* Math, Mmm surveyor-generals’ offices .. . .. 165, 3l.i appropriation for payment of claim of ..,. 519 §0Si}‘O{€g$a?%;1Y;;2£;E{£ --·- - · - -·-·· · Lca1rcnwog;:;P]g:;2rmrcc and Galrealon Railroad Dggigtmlmt of gimtice _ _ _ i ceriniin p11rchasors 1`rm11, of Osage ceded 147:298 lands entitled to purchase same hom · · ,· . *2 . f _] d l I IJ . , . or ll 1018. name . United ntatcs, vic. ; provxsos --. - 127 expenses of comm ______ __ ______ _ _____ 167, gig 1‘ip;hi> of, to pnrchcmc ccrm-in parts of same Court of Claims _____ ______ _ _____ 168,319 cgidsigrf tornns us settlers, (see Osage printing ;__ ____ __ _ ____ __ ______ 1/|6’QQ7 0 P ands) ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘‘‘’’‘ ‘ 129 fm- tem iyrglryl gorviqe of year 1577, noi; L0¤’v€PW707'Ui» MiY‘if¢¥*'!/ 1’ri8<m, to bg dedncted from rcggular appropriaPpl`0priU·ti0¤S lor - ——--· - ----- - ---- . . ujigug fop ggmug ____ _ _ _____ _ _ _ _____ __ Laura1y' Absence, Section 8 of aut; making, mncmled 217 L ig0mU€';$ lcf Arm)'; prvvisos. ----- . ·.. 102 [,gyi,q[q(/wg jfgypgpgggy 143 QQ/1 0 W"' "‘ .U» nppmpriatious for. . ‘ ., uppronriatiou for payuiont of claim of. 524 _[,gZg,q;d, Ggorgianna L., , L6 Cggmig, Hg.-6..1.,8, approprianiou for payment of claim of. .. 536 _ appropri21.tion for payment of claim of . 524 U MOUVW, _V·. Lo Cozmto, John, approprmmou for payment. of expenses of, _ appropriation for payumut; of claim of. 524 I f $1;* <>0¤*°¤b°d·°!°°*'°“ °a·S° ---·-·--- 35° Ledbottor Ilaroey C'. _ *‘”··*» 0 f"'?": , {].1)))I'O[;I'l2],El0Xl fox? paynmut: of claim of . 476 “ppr°p"°'h°u fw Payment °f clmm °f " 519 IM, Mmmm L Lesly, Andrew, deceased, ’ ’· . . ·· . ‘‘ s uppropriatmn for payment of claim of . 487 °‘pP"°fPm'd°" i°rp2‘yn’°ut°f°]°‘1m Ofe mu 529 Lec, Lucy, deccascrl, I t _ G"; 'Wf '’'‘'` ``````````° ' appropriation lor payinont of claim of estate · ’°8 0 ’_. 1* f f 362 0f__ _ ___ _____ _ ____ __ ____ _ _____ 527 appioprmtxon or payment o .. . 1 Pc Maw Lollcr—Balu.nces, Post—0_[]ice Ikparimeui. 79 384 "_ ’ _ i . _ _ , · appropriations for .. -- -- ---- . · appiopriaiaioii fm payment. of claim of . 522 contracts Ib 1_, may be Signed by Firm] AS_ L"? Olwci sistaut Postmiaster-Gcneral . .. 335

»pproprio.1.io11 for pa.ynu¤nt of claim of . 480 Le"w._Biu8’

L""i S“°'”'“jL- _ , use of, under convention with Japan 560 i 2L[)[)l`0Dl`l2lt|Ull for ])8»)'1ll·0lllZ· of expenses of, Lctm._B0M8’ in ieointesmd-election case. .. . . . . 355 contract for street, may be Signed by pj,-sg; Loo, Slophmz I)., Assistant Postmaster-General . 335 political ilisabilities of, removed ... 494 ]A,L,0,._Ca,,.,.w,. Omw,7 Leo Timothy1I I _,/ t. h t· t 1 t · {g · aiipropriatsion for payment of claim of . 481 mx 1e;aQri8(;v;{·T0;;¤,ga;;a,g_’_ _ 81 Lee Zaoharia. S.,L _C . · aiupropriabionnifrgaynincéxt of claim of . 519 0£,e;l.0;;TQ8Z}if¤S {0,. payment of _______ _1__ _ gg, Lmjwr Saunders . ecease , reduction of lllllIlb8I‘S of and delivery my. “ appropriation for payment of claim of estate Letter-Envelopes, 7 , of . . . . . . 483 bearing indeoenis inscripiiious, declared 90 Lqfan yy,,,,,,,,.`.; non-mai able; peua ty .. .. aporopriatiou for payment of claim of. 519 Letters-Patent, see Extension of Patents. Legal-louder Notes, Levi George issue of silver coin in tcixchaugge {0I`, l10b OX- 2U ayipropriattion for payment of claim of. .. 484 _ cocdinv etc. :1.11 norize .. . . .> Lev/incr Marshall . when 110 be rgzissued . . . . 215 appropriation for payment; of claim of. .. 481 Le islamo Acts Levy Court, District of Columbia, _ 5. A.·1zom.,,1}ow no become laws. .. ui w><¤¤ d¤¤ w Mw. w be pubiwhcd - - ----- 396 Logislafive Assembly of Dialrict of Columbia, Levy, Lewis MC, act of, relative to UJSHQSSYIICIIU for special im— appropriation for payment of claim of . 527 provenieiibs 1l.l1l(>l1dtl(-l. . .. .. . . 87 Lowd Books imposing a license on trades, ctc., and declared ’uou—ma.ilab1e; penalty; prosecuamendmout thereof repealed 88 tions under original ecction . 90