Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/72

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46 FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. OH. 88. 1876. 1075»<=1¤·130.9 5. eighteen hundred and seventy-six, in pursuance of an act of Congress 18 St“*’·· “°°· approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy five, the following A··¢**·i>l>· 3.34- sums are hereby appropriated, namely: For the Interior Department, _,1{'°*’·I>1’- 2U»*1*» fifteen thousand dollars.; for the War_ Department, eighteen thousand ' ‘ five hundred dollars; for the Smithsonian Institution, twentyone thousand dollars; for the United States Commission of Food—F1shes, live thousand dollars; for the Treasury Department, fourteen thousand dollars; the same to be disbursed by the board on behalf of the United States Executive Departments appointed in pursuance of the order of the President of January twenty-third, eighteen hundred and seventy- p,,,v,,,0_ ,, iour: Provided, That for contingent expenses any surplus arising from. appropriations made to either of said Departments by act of March third eighteen hundred and seventy Eve, is hereby authorized to be used for ~ the purposes herein mentioned. Subsistence of For subsistence of Apache Indians at the Southern Apache agency, AP=¤<=h0¤· blew Mexico, twenty-five thousand dollars: Provided, That the Indian . agent located at said agency may, under instructions from the Commis- Lxchau re of su- . . . . . . g,,,,,·,,,;,,,,,#,,,il,,,,,_ giorier og Indian Affairs, exchange sugar belonging to said agency for ee or our. JUDICIAL. Expenses of For defraying the expenses of the Supreme Court and circuit and °°“'“* district courts of the United States, including the District of Columbia; and, also, for jurors and witnesses, and expenses of suits in which the United States are concerned, of prosecutions for otienses committed against the United States, for the sate-keeping of prisoners, being a deficiency for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-Eve, sixty five thousand dollars. Ex,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, ,, d For the defraying of the expenses and fees of the United States mar fees of United shal of the Territory of Utah, and of summoning jurors and witnesses, S 0 Mss ¤¤·¢¤‘¤l¤~L of keeping and tran sporting prisoners, and caring for the penitentiary, U“"L‘· six thousand dollars Balance ofzlrniy SEO. 2. That the sum of one million one hundred and sixty-five thoul*;y4¤¥l{;<>l>;;¤*:}¥1;i sand dollars, remaining t0_ the credit of the appropriation for pay of the mj ° U ’I’ Army for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-four, is hereby reappropriated and made available from and after the passage of this act for the following purposes, namely: To pay the sum of five hundred thousand dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary, for pay of the Army from june fifteenth to June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-nve; and the remainder of the first above-named sum shall be available to meet any deficiency for pay of the Army for the current iiscal year, but shall not be used until the appropriation for said lastmentioned year shall be fully exhausted. Csrw-in balances Sec. 3. That the following balances of appropriations, carried to the

 surplus fund under the provisions of the fifth section of the act ap-

,,mc_ proved June twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, being re- 1874, eh. 328,§ 6, quired to complete the service of the liscal year eighteen hundred and 18 Stat-. 110. seventy-three and prior years, are hereby continued and rendered available for such purpose, namely z, TREASURY DEPARTMENT. - ·To pay internal- T0 pay to internal-revenue co1lectors, assessors, and other interrzeguslwgmcm, nal-revenue officers their salaries, commissions, and expenses allowed ° ·• °’ · by law, as have been ascertained and certified by the accounting-officers of the Treasury Department, and to pay miscellaneous expenses of carrying into eifect the various provisions of thelseveral acts providing for internal revenue, being for the service of the fiscal year eighteen hun- Prevpnting and dred and seventy-three, twenty-five thousand dollars. To pay such g°;f;1;;”Fu t0;?;:? claims for services rendered and expenses incurred in detecting and @,,,,,,,6, mm bringing to trial and punishment persons guilty of violating the internal-revenue laws, or conniving at the same, including payments for