Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/665

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POSTAL CONVENTION—QUEENSI·AND. Dine. 8, 1875, AND FEB. 2, 1876. 639 Ancrictn. VIII. . Fvery fully prepaid letter dispatched from one country to the other 1\I=»rkS<>¤1·M¢r& shall be plainly stamped with the words "paid all," in red ink, on the right-hand upper corner of the address, in addition to the date-stamp of the office at which it was posted, and on insniiiciently-paid letters the amount of the deficient postage shall be inscribed in black mk. Ancrromn IX. Dead letters, which cannot be delivered irom whatsoever cause, shall D¢=~d1¢>¤€<>¤· be mutually returned, without charge, monthly, or as frequently as the regulations of the respective offices will permit. _ ARTICLE X. This convention shall come into operation on the 1st day of J anunry, Coinnieucement 1876, and shall be terminable at any time on a notice, by either office, *‘“d “"`"""”*""”‘· of six months. Done in duplicate and signed in Brisbane, the eighth day of Decem- Signatures, ber, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy- five, and in Washington on the second day of February, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six. - [snAL.] MARSHALL JEWELL, Postrnasten General of the United States. _ GEORGE THORN, Jnmon, Postmaster- General of Queensland. Approved. Ewn. Ciimns. i I hereby approve the aforegoing convention, and in testimony thereof Ap1>wv=~l- I have caused the seal of the United States to be aiiixed. [smut.] U. S. GRANT. By the President: Hammron Fisn, Secretary of State. WASHINGTON, February 5, 1876.