Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/588

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562 CONVIENTION-EhIPIItE OF JAPAN. AUG. 6, 1878. A1qpr¤v¤l ¤f the I hereby approve the aforegoing convention, and in testimony thereof P"°"d°“· I have caused the seal of the United States to be aiiixed. ` gnu.] U. S. GRANT. y the President: HAMILTON Fxsn, Secretary of State. WASIIINGTON, August 6th, 1873. [Translation. ] A pp, oy al of I hereby approve the atoregoing convention, and in testimony thereof Japan. I have caused the seal of the Empire to be aiiixed. [IMPERIAL SEAL.& MUTSU HITO. By order of His ajesty; TERASHIMA MUNENORI, His Imperial Japanese Majesty2s Minister for Foreign Ajairs. The 7th of 2d month, 7th year Meiji. Iietiicwouv GX- We, John A. J. Creswell, Postmaster-General of the United States, °h””¢'—¥°‘l· and Mr. Giro Yano, charge d’afI'aires, ad interim, of Japan to the United States, certity that on this date we have proceeded to perform the exchange of ratitieations of the Postal Convention which was concluded between the United States of America and the Empire of Japan, at Washington, on the 6th day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, or the 6th day of the eighth month of the sixth year of Meiji. Done in duplicate and signed at Washington this 18th day of April, pl. D. 1874, or the 18th day of the fourth month of the seventh year of GIJI. [SEAL.] JNO. A. J. ORESWELL, Postmaster- General of the United States. [smut.] GIRO YANO, Ohargé d’A_#`airec, ad interim, of Japan. _D¤¤¤i1<>d wguie- Detailed regulations jor the Execution of the Postal Convention between “°“"· the United States and the Empire of Japan, concluded on the 6th of August, 1873. Preliminary. For the purpose of carrying into operation the Postal Convention concluded on the 6th of August, 1873, between the United States of America and the Empire of Japan, and in pursuance of Article XVII of said convention, the iollowin g detailed regulations have been agreed upon between the two Post-Office Departments: Anrronn I. Lettcr-l>i1l¤ be- Each mail exchanged between the respective exchange offices shall gggugu °X°h“”g° be accompanied by a letter-bill following the Form A hereto annexed, ` and the receipt of each mail shall be acknowledged by the receiving otiice by the next dispatch, in accordance with the form of Acknowledgments of receipt hereto annexed, marked B.