Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/416

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390 FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. OH. 111. 1877. cents; one seaman in the department of seamanship, one seaman in the department of astronomy, and one seaman in the department of physics and chemistry, at three hundred and forty-nine dollars and fifty cents each ; one band-master, hve hundred and twenty-eight dollars; twenty- one first-class musicians, at three hundred and fortyeight dollars each ; seven secondclass musicians, at three hundred dollars each ; in all, fifty thousand one hundred and eighteen dollars. sewpay of mid- That cadet-midshipmen, during such period of their course of instruc-

  • l*ll’m*‘“· tion as they shall be at sea in other than practice-ships, shall each receive

as annual pay not exceeding nine hundred and hfty dollars. my erwarelimen Pay of watchmen and others: Captain of the watch, at two dollars and ml °‘**°”- fifty cents per day, nine hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents; four watchmen, at two dollars and twenty-five cents per day, three thousand two hundred and eighty-five dollars; foreman of the gas and steamheating works, at five dollars per diem, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five dollars; ten attendants at gas and steamheating works of academy, one at three dollars and fifty cents, one at three dollars, and eight at two dollars and nfty cents per day each, nine thousand six hundred and seventy-two dollars; three joiners, two painters, and two masons, at three dollars and fifty cents per day each, eight thousand nine hundred and forty-two dollars and fifty cents; one tinner, one gas-fitter, and one blacksmith, at three dollars and fifty cents per day each, three thousand eight hundred and thirty-two dollars and fifty cents; in all, twenty-eight thousand four hundred and sixty-nine dollars and fifty cents; and for one steam-pipe fitter, five hundred and forty-seven dollars. p,,V.,,~,,,,.c;,,,,,;CS Pay of mechanics and others: One mechanic at workshop, at two doland Sitters. lars and twentyfive cents per diem, eight hundred and twenty-one dollars and twenty-five cents; one master-laborer, to keep public grounds in order, at two dollars and twenty eight cents per diem, eight hundred and thirty-two dollars and twenty cents; fourteen laborers to assist in same, three at two dollars per diem each, and eleven at one dollar and seventy-nve cents per diem each, nine thousand two hundred and sixteen dollars and twentyfive cents; one laborer to superintend quarters of cadet-midshipmcn and public grounds, at two dollars and twenty- eight cents per diem, eight hundred and thirty-two dollars and twenty cents; nve attendants at recitation-rooms, library, chapel, and offices, and store, at twenty dollars per month each, one thousand two hundred dollars; twenty servants to keep in order and attend to quarters of cadetmidshipmen and public buildings, at twenty dollars per month each, four thousand eight hundred dollars; in all, seventeen thousand seven hundred and one dollars and ninety cents. pay of .,1,,,,;,,,-(gs, For pay of employees in the department of steam-enginery, for main <l<=pai·tnicnt of chinists, boiler-makers, and others, eight thousand seven hundred and Stlilllll-Cll{,{’lll($]'y. . dollarsl Rvpeirs. For necessary repairs of public buildings, pavements, wharves, and walls inclosing the grounds of the Naval Academy, for improvements and furniture and fixtures, twenty-one thousand dollars. Fuel, light. For fuel, and for heating and lighting the academy and schoolships, eighteen thousand dollars. Contingent For contingent expenses, Naval Academy: For purchase of books for passes. the library, two thousand dollars. . For stationery, blank books, models, maps, and so forth, and for textbooks for use of instructors, two thousand dollars. For expenses of the board of visitors, two thousand six hundred dollars. For purchase of chemicals, apparatus, and instruments in the department of physics and chemistry, and for repairs of the same, two thousand five hundred dollars. q;,,,, ,,,,,C,sp,m,- For purchase of gas and steam machinery; stearnpipe and fixtures; ons seems. rent of building for use of the academy; treight; cartage ; water; music; musical and astronomical instruments; uniforms for the bandsmen; telegraphing; and for the current expenses and repairs of all