Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/390

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364 FORTY-FO URT H CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 106. 1877. James T- Porter- SUPPRESSING COUNTERFEITING AND FRAUD. For payment of claims for services rendered andexpenses incurred by different parties in the secret service division of the Treasury Department, as per letter of the Western Union Solicitor of the Treasury, viz: To James T. Porter two hundred and 'f<>l¢g1‘¤1*l1 00m- thirty-nine dollars and eighty cents to WVestern Union Telegraph Comi"‘§{_‘m Fi D U Q_ pany thirty-six dollars and eighty-four cents to Henry Finnegass three g,,SS_ y hundred and thirty-seven dollars to J. W. Schoenecker five hundred J. \V.SCllOCllCCk· and eighty dollars and nfteen cents, making in all one thousand one <‘=ji_ Sm _D_ ith- hundred and ninety three dollars and seventy-nine cents. me?? PQ) B Q_ i For official postage stamps, for the use of the Treasury Department, ,,,,,m,,g_ in transmitting stamps by mail one hundred thousand dollars. . 1Tle in p o r n r y For temporary clerks in the Treasury Department, twenty-five thou- ° °*‘ “· sand dollars. _F¤¤l» light “’¤· For fuel, lights, water, and other miscellaneous items for public build- “" ings under the control of the Treasury Department, being a deficiency for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy- seven seventy five thousand dollars. N=~*i<>¤=~l cur- Exrnnsns on NATIONAL CURRENCY. To adjust the settled account r°“°y* Kem wm of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Treasury Department, being amount found due said bureau for printing and sealing, involving no expenditure of money from the Treasury, being for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and seventysix, one thousand and sixty-seven dollars and seventy-five cents. . Tr¤¤¤er,<>r’¤¤¢i<>¤ TRANSPORTATION on UNITED STATES sncunrrrns. For transportai’,;7g°°“""°S* WM tion of notes, bonds, and other securities of the United States, being a ` deficiency for the iiscal year eighteen hundred and seventysix, sixty- nine thousand four hundred and fortynine dollars and twenty-tive cents. COAST SURVEY. For repairs of vessels belonging to the Coast Survey, eight thousand dollars. Rent of 211 New For rent of buildings numbered two hundred and eleven, New Jersey Jcrseyavcmwqwr avenue, south, and two hundred and fifteen, South Capitol street, being

  • 876- a deficiency for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred

and seventysix, three thousand six hundred dollars. TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENTS. C<>l<>¤ B¤Sl¤"<>¤d· TERR1TORY OF ARIZONA. For amount due Coles Bashford,late secre- · tary of Arizona Territory, for salary, as per certilicate of the accounting-of1‘;icers of the Treasury Department, being a deficiency for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-six, three hundred and eighty-five dollars and ninetythree cents. John L- Rouw TERRITORY OF COLORADO. For amount due John L. Boutt, late governor of Colorado Territory, for salary, as per certificate of the accountingofticers of the Treasury Department, being a deficiency for the uscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-six, six dollars and eighty cents. Judges in Colo- For payment of salaries of the chief-justice and the associate justices of

      • 10- Colorado, from the first day of August to the twenty-first day of November, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars.

L¤gi¤l¤UV° 6* TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. For legislative expenses for the Ter- . p°,Q;‘i$,‘Qf;,cO ritory of New Mexico, being a deficiency for the fiscal year eighteen `hundred and seventy-four, one thousand dollars. Wyoming. ’I‘EIm1Ton.Y on WYOMING. For legislative expenses for the Territory . of Wyioming, being a deficiency for the nscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-six, one hundred and eighty-nine dollars. M¤¤l¤¤¤· Tnnnrroar on NTONTANA. For legislative expenses of the Territory of Montana, being a deficiency for the Hscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-four, one hundred and fiftythree dollars and seventeen cents; ’ and for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-six two thousand and fifty-three dollars and ninety seven cents; in all two thousand two hundred and seven dollars and fourteen cents and no part of this sum shall be used for payment of postage or purchase of postage stamps