Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/376

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350 FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1I. Ch. 105. 1877. Colored Women exceeding six thousand dollars, of the appropriation made by the act "*“{l8%*‘£"‘;6 for sundry civil expenses for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and _,,,,,,,’1Oé_ ‘ seventy-six for the National Association for the Relief of the Colored ’ Women and Children of the District of Columbia is hereby re-appro priated and made available for said purposes; and the accounting officers of the Treasury Department are hereby authorized to allow and Credits allowed credit the treasurer of the National Association for the Relief of the t° t”°““*`°”· Colored Women and Children of the District of Columbia the sum of five hundred and thirty Eve dollars and seventy-tive cents, paid for the purcha o of land for the institution, and for recording a deed of the same during the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-tive and to allow and credit said treasurer for payments during the same year, for proper purchases of supplies made during the year preceding. for the support of said institution, the sum of eight hundred and fifty-five dollars and twelve cents. Freedman’s Hos- For the Freedman’s Hospital and Asylum in Washington District of pim- Columbia, namely: For subsistence, eighteen thousand dollars; salaries and compensation, as follows: Of surgeon, fourteen hundred dollars; of one surgeon and dispensary-clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; of engineer, seven hundred and twenty dollars; matron, two hundred and sixteen dollars; nurses and cooks, eighteen hundred dollars; fuel and light, three thousand dollars; clothing three thousand Eve hundred dollars; rent of hospital buildings, two thousand dollars; medicines and medical supplies, two thousand five hundred dollars and miscellaneous expenses, five thousand one hundred and sixty-four dollars; in all, forty thousand dollars. Preserving col- Sl\C[I’l‘HSONIAN INsT1TUr10N.·-For preservation and care of the col- 1¤¤¤i<>¤¤· lections of the National Museum, eighteen thousand dollars. Making dnpl i- For expenses of making up into sets for distribution to colleges and ¤§¤l€¤ f¤¤_di¤*>¤ll>¤· academies the duplicate ores, minerals, and objects of natural history

  • ‘°“• now belonging to the United States, or in the collections of the International Exposition presented to it by foreign Governments five thousand dollars.

Repairing Arm- For fitting up the Armory Building for storage of articles belonging ery Building- to the United States, including those transferred from the International Exhibition and expense of watching the same, two thousand five hundred dollars. Index of debates To enable the Librarian of Congress to employ sufficient help to comnnd documents- plete the index to the debates and documents of Congress one thousand dollars. Botanica; Gm- BOTANICAL GARDEN.—FOP painting and repairs of the building and den. fences, one thousand hre hundred dollars. For plumbing, and repairs to heating-apparatus six hundred dollars. Hnyden’s survey. GEOLOGICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS.——FOI‘ the COIltll1lla’tl0I1 of the geological and geographical survey of the Territories of the United States, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, by Professor F. V. Hayden, seventy-ive thousand dollars; to be immediately available. ·Powel1’s survey For the completion of the geographical and geological survey of the Rocky Mountain region, including the preparation and publication of maps, charts, and other illustrations necessary for the reports nr said survey, by J. W. Powell, under the direction of the Secretary of the lnterior, fifty thousand dollars; to be immediately available. UNDER THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Public buildings PUBLIC BUILDINGS.—COUTb-EOUSG and post-office, Atlanta Georgia: at- for continuation of the building, fifteen thousand dollars. Atlunlifi Subtreasury and post-office, Boston Massaclmsetts: For purchase of B°°t°D’ additional land condemned by the courts of the State of Massachusetts, including interest and expenses incident, one hundred and eighty-one thousand five hundred and nity-four dollars; and the whole amount shall be immediately available.