Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/372

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346 FOBTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CH 105. 1877. JUDICIARY E xpen s e S of For defraying the expenses of the Supreme Court and circuit and dis- <><>¤P*¤· trict courts of the United States, including the District of Columbia; and also for jurors and witnesses and expenses of suits in which the United States are concerned, of prosecutions for offenses committed against the United Sta.tes· for the safe keepinv of prisoners and lor R· S_·.'lfi_tl¤ ¤¤<Vi- defraying the expenses which may be incurredbin the enforciement ot chi? S·· mm 1** the act of February twenty-eight, eighteen hundred and seventy one, ‘ relative to the right of citizens to vote, or any acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto, two million six hundred and fifty thousand dollars. _S¤pp<>r¤ vf ¤<>¤- For the support and maintenance of convicts transferred from the Dis- Vw"- trict of Columbia, four thousand dollars. Vi<>l=¤ti<>¤ of in- For detecting and punishing violations of the intercourse acts of Con-

  • °’°°“"‘° um- gress, and frauds committed in the Indian service, in allowing such

increased tees and compensation of witnesses, jurors, and marshals, and in defraying such other expenses, as may be necessary for this purpose, eight thousand dollars; Crimes against For detection and prosecution of crimes against the United States, Umwd S*°»*°*’· twenty five thousand dollars. Defense of suits For payment of the necessary expenses incurred in defending suits for $1**1****,;**** and against the Secretary of the Treasury or his agents for the seizure of gpgn or pr°p' captured or abandoned property, and for the examination ofwitnesses ° in claims against the United States pending in any Department, and for the defense of the United States in the Court of Claims twenty-tive thousand dollars. _ Summary report To enable the Clerk of the House to have prepared for the Public ¤f_ di een0W6d Printer nity copies of the “Summary Reports" of the Commissioners of °1“““‘ Claims in cases re orted to Con ress as disallowed under the act of March isn ei., 116 . . P g . . . . 16S{,,,t_,524f third eighteen hundred and seventy one, ot wlnch twenty five copies shall be printed and bound for the use of the Senate and twenty-tive copies for the use of the House, one thousand dollars. R<‘>f¤¤¤ S<>b°°l· REFORM SCHOOL OF THE Dtsrmor OF COLUMBIA-For the superintendent, assistant superintendent, matron, two teachers, for medicines and physicians fees, gardner, farmer, baker, night watchman, seamstress, laborer, and laundress, and four iemale servants, and for fuel, clothing, and incidentals ten thousand dollars. For improvements and repairs five thousand dollars, no part of which shall be expended in the purchase of land. _Metropolitan Po- METROPOLIl‘AN POLICE.-FOP salaries and other necessary expenses hw- of the metropolitan police for the District of Columbia, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That a like sum shall concurrently bt; _ paid to del'ray the expenses of the said metropolitan police force out 0 b A9,*·l{°€“·2,’ lgf the treasury of the District of Columbia. The duties derolved and the °m$ °X ee °°° ° authority conlerred n ion the board of metropolitan ]`»0llCG by law, for public Bq11E1I8S. . . . . . . police purposes in said District, shall extend to and include allpublic squares or places; and said board is hereby authorized and required to make appropriate rules and regulations in relation thereto. DISTRICT CF COLUMBIA Interest on aes That the Secretary of the Treasury shall reserve of any of the revl>°¤d¤9 MW Paid- enues of the District of Columbia not required for the actual current ex penscs of schools, the police, and hre department, a sum suii1c1eut_t0 meet the interest accruing on the three·sixty-five lliondls of the District duringthe fiscal year begining Julyiirst eighteen un re an seventy- seven, and apply the same to that purpdse? and in case there shall not be a sufficient sum of said revenues in the Treasury of the United States at such time as said interest may be due, then the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to advancepfrom any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, a sum sufficient to pay said inter-