Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/329

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FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 102. 1877. 303 dollars each; and four laborers; in all twenty thousand three hundred and thirty dollars. l Comnssronnn on INTERNAL Rnvnnnn.-For Commissioner of In- Commissioner or ternal Revenue six thousand dollars; one deputy commissioner, three I¤*°’¤**1R°V°¤¤°· thousand two hundred dollars; two heads of division, at two thousand ive hundred dollars each; five heads of division, at two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars each; one stenographer, one thousand eight hundred dollars; twenty-five clerks of class tour; thirty clerks of class three; forty clerks of class two; eighteen clerks of class one; fifty clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; iour messengers; and ten laborgrs, in all, two hundred and fifty-three thousand four hundred and ten o lars. ~ For dies, paper, and stamps, four hundred and sixty six thousand Dies, paper, etc. dollars; said engraving and printing to be done in the Bureau of Engraving and Printing of the Treasury Department, to be expended ` under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, provided the cost Pf°Vi¤°· does not exceed the price paid under existing contracts. For salaries and expenses of collectors, one million eight hundred Collectors. thousand dollars; and from and after the thirtieth day of June next Reductionofrev there shall be no more than one hundred and twenty-six collection-dis °¤¤<> di¤*>fi<=¢¤· tricts; and it shall be the duty of the President, and he is hereby anthorized and directed, to reduce the internalrevenue districts to not exceeding the number aforesaid, in the manner heretofore provided by _ law. And the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and di- Allowances to rected to cause a careful examination to be made of allowances to col- °°ll*’§*°§‘f;5 0,, lectors of internal revenue under the provisions of section thirty-one°’ ’P'6 " hundred and fortylive of the Revised Statutes, for collection of revenue in the several districts, and to equalize the same, and reduce the aggregate of such allowances not less than five per centum on the amount of the same. - For salaries and expenses of agents and surveyors, for fees and Agents, survey- expenses of gaugers, lor salaries of storekeepers, and for miscellaneous °*¤» ¤”·¤S°”» °*°· expenses, one million four hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For detecting and bringing to trial and punishment persons guilty of _Detecting violaviolating the internalmcvenuc laws, or conniving in such crime, includ- Wm of !°V°¤¤¤ ing payments for information and detection, fifty-five thousand dollars. I""' Tnnusnmz Mrsonnnnnnous.- For stationery for the Treasury De- stationery. partment and its several bureaus, forty thousand dollars. For temporary clerks lor the.Treasury Department fifty thousand T e m p-orary dollars: Provided, That no part of this sum shall be paid to any officer °1°*k¤5 P'°V¤¤°· or employee of the Government as additional compensation. _ For contingent expenses of the Treasury Department, namely: C°¤*¤¤8°¤li ¢>¤· For official postagestamps, two hundred thousand dollars. P°“““* For arranging and binding canceled marinepapers, requisitions, and _ other important records; sealing ships’ registers; for foreign postage, gewspapers, books, hand-stamps, and repairs of the same, ten thousand ollars. . For investigations of accounts and records two thousand five hundred dollars. For freight, expressage, telegrams, and car-tickets, five thousand dollars. ' For rent of buildings, thirteen thousand dollars. For care and subsistence of horses lor office and mailviagons, including feeding and shoeing; and for wagons, harness, and repairs of same, three thousand two hundred dollars. For icc, buckets, file-holders, book-rests, labor, clocks, and repairs of the same, five thousand five hundred dollars. _ For coal, wood, grates, grate-baskets and fixtures, stoves and fixtures, blowers, coal-hods, hearths, shovels, tongs, pokers, matches, and matchsafes, nine thousand dollars. For gas, drop-lights and tubing, gasburncrs, brackets and globes, candles, lanterns, and wicks, twelve thousand five hundred dollars.