Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/269

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FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. 11. C11. 69. 1877. 243 salekeeping und preservation of all ordnance property of every kind, and to direct and prescribe the time, number, and lbrms of all returns and reports, and to enforce tzoinplizmce tiiexewit,h." Section eleven hundred and seventy-icur is amended by inserting, 91174. p. 210. after the word " line" in the second line, the words “ under such rules and regulations as shall be prescribed by the Secretary of Wa1·”. Section eleven hundred and ninety-one is amended by adding nt the u11g1w_Q1g_ end of the section the following: ‘* But the Quurtermaster General sbnll not be liable thr any money or property that may come into the hands of the subordinate officers of his department? Section twelve hundred and seven is amended by inserting after the §1207,p.213. word “ engineers ” in the iirst line, the words " or Ordnance Uorps ". Section twelve hnndredand twenty is amended by adding at the end gs 1220, p. 214. of the section the following: "1t shall be lawful lor the commanding ofiieer of each regiment, whenever it muy be necessary, to cause the coats, vests, and overalls or breeches which muy from time to time be issued lc und for his regiment to be altered and newmnde, so as to better to tit them to the persons . respectively for whose use they shall be delivered; and for delmying the expense of such alterations, to cause to be deducted and applied out of the pay of such persons si sum or sums not exceeding twentyfive cents {br each com, eight cents for each vest and ihr each pair of overalls or breeuhes." Section twelve hundred and twentyene is amended by adding at the §122l,p. 214. end of the section the ibllowinga

  • ‘Suid returns and vouchers, after due examination by the Quartermuster General shall be trzmsuiittcil for settlement. to the proper accounting; etlrlcer of the Treasury Depnrtxnentf

Section twelve Inuudred and twerntyibur is amended by striking out g12z4,p,215. the same uml inserting in lieu tlxereof the ibllcwingz ‘· N0 officer of the Army shall be employed on civil works or internal improvements, or be allowed to exrgmgc in the service of amy incorporated company, or be employed as acting p:ny1nnstei· or (iiSl)ll1‘Slll,9j-tlgiilil of the Indian ])<·purt1u0nt, if such extra employment requires that he shall be sepzmitetl from his company, regiment, or corps, or if it shall` otherwise interfere with the perlbrnmuce of the military duties proper? Section twelve hundred and fifty nine is amended by adding at the §1259, p.218. end of the seclion the following: "Pr0vided, Tlmt they receive from the Government only the paiy and enlolunients allowed by law to retired ofIicers." Section twelve hundred and sixty is amended by adding at the end of 6 1260» D- 21B· the section the following: ‘* But while so serving, such ciiicer shall be allowed no additional compensaition.” Section twelve hundred and seventy is amended by adding at the end 9 1270, p. 220. of the section the ibllowing: Provided, hmccvcr, That when forage in kind cannot be furnished by

 the proper depzirtnients, then and in all such cases, officers entitled to

forage may commute the same according; to existing regulations: Prowdedj*zmhm·, That officers of the Army and of Volunteers assigned to duty which requires them to be mounted shall, during the time they are employed on such duty receive the pay, emnlu ments, mid allowances of camnlry officers of the same grade respectively." Section twelve hundred anu seventy nine is mnendcd by adding at the 9 1279, I>· 221- end llierecf the ibllowing words: uD.l"TiGC€I` of artillery and infantry, lillecn dollars per month; wagmier of cawalry, z1rtillery,z1,nd ininntry, immeen dollars per month. The principal] assistant in the Ordnance _ Bureau shall receive srecarnpensntion, including pay and emoluments, not exceeding that of a major of ordmince." Section twelve hundred and eighty is amended by striking out in the 5 1280, P, 221, third line the Wbrd " conditions ” and inserting the word *‘ mldi1;i0uS" Section twelve hundred and eighty-nine is nnieuded by striking out §12EEl,p.22§3.