Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/266

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240 FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 68, 69. 1877. and tixing in more dennite terms the boundaries of the lot of land here-' tofore given and granted by the said corporate authorities to the Government of the United States for a site upon which to erect a customhouse, post-ofiice, bonded warehouse, and United States district and circuit court rooms, in the said city of Memphis, and which said lot of land was accepted by the Government of the United States under and 1876, cb. 106, by virtue of an act of Congress approved March drst, eighteen hundred A”'°= 55· and seventy-six, entitled **An act to provide for the further building of a custom-house, post-office, bonded warehouse, and United States district and circuit court rooms in the city of Memphis, Tennessee," and upon which said building is now being erected, in pursuance of the act of Congress aforesaid; and the Secretary of the Treasury being of the ‘ opinion that such enlargement and change in the boundaries of said lot of ground would greatly increase its value to the Government, make it more suitable for the location of a public building, and in no way interfere with the work already done in the construction of the customhouse, postoffiee, and so forth, aforesaid, nor increase the cost thereof : Therefore, Be tt enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ A¤<¤¤D*¤;¤¤¤¤fl<>l¤ States of America in Congress assembled, That the following described

,'l*;;‘é“,§Q(f°“* property or lot of land in the city of Memphis and State of Tennessee,

’namely, beginning at a point where the west line of Front street intersects the north line of the first alley south of Madison street, and running thence northward with the west line of Front street three hundred and sixty four and twenty five hundredths feet, to a stake; thence westward at right angles to Front street, and with the south line of the first alley north of Madison street, for a distance of three hundred feet, to a stake, thence southward parallel to the west line of Front street, three hundred and sixty four and twenty-five hundredths feet, to a. stake; and thence eastward with the north line of the first alley south of Madison street to the beginning, given and granted by the said city of Memphis to the Government of the United States for a site upon which to erect a custom-house, post-office, bonded warehouse, and United States district and circuit court rooms, and upon a part of which said building is now being erected under and by virtue of the said act of Congress, approved March nrst eighteen hundred and seventy six, be, and the same is hereby accepted for the purposes aforesaid; and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to use and cover such parts thereof in the continuation of said building as he may deem advisable. y;;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,, to SEO. 2. That so much of the property or lot of ground heretofore · Memphis. gran ted by the city of Memphis, to the Government of the United States , for the purposes aforesaid as is not covered by, and included in the foregoing description is hereby ceded back to the said city of Memphis: Pmviso. Provtded, however, That the foregoing provisions of this act shall not take effect unless the said city of Memphis shall execute to the Government of the United States a valid deed to the property hereinbefore described. 1876, cb. 106, Sec. 3. That so much of the act of Congress approved March first, Anw,55. _ eighteen hundred and seventy-six, entitled “An act to further provide B"P°’*1"‘l"’P”"· for the building of a. custom-house, post-ofiice, bonded warehouse, and United States court-rooms in the city of Memphis, Tennessee, as authorizes and directs the Secretary of the Treasury to sell certain property therein mentioned, be, and the same is hereby, repealed. Approved, February 27, 1877. - Feb. 27, 1877- CHAP. 69.-An act to perfect the revision of the statutes of tho United States, and of ‘·····——·—·· the statutes relating to the District of Columbia. . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representattves of the United _C<>¤¤<=*¤i<>¤ <>fR¤- States of America in Congress assembled, That for the purpose of correct- “"‘1 S“‘*“°°S‘ ing errorors and supplying omissions in the act entitled “An act to revise