Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/197

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FOBTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sllss. I. C11. 288. 1876. 17] Sorrmmrn B. _ . · For the agent and consul·general at Cairo tour thousand dollars. Consulates. For the consuls-general at London, Paris, Havana and Rio de Janeiro, each six thousand dollars, twenty-tour thousand dollars. For the consuls-general at Calcutta and Shanghai, each five thousand dollars, ten thousand dollars. For the consul-general at Melbourne, four thousand five hundred dollars. For the consul-general at Kanagawa, Berlin, and Montreal each, four thousand dollars, twelve thousand dollars. * For the consuls—general at Vienna, Frankfort, Rome, and Constantinople, each three thousand dollars, twelve thousand dollars. For the consuls-general at Saint Petersburg and Mexico, each two thousand dollars, tour thousand dollars. For the consul at Liverpool, six thousand dollars. _ For salaries of consuls, vice-consuls, commercial agents, and thirteen consular clerks three hundred and thirty-three thousand two hundred dollars, namely: CLASS I. Class 0u0._ GREAT BRITAIN :-- Hong Kong. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Honolulu. QLASS [L Class two. CHINA :— Fowohow; Hankow; Canton; Amoy ; Tien·Tsin ; Chin - Kiang; Ningpo. ’ PERU :-—- Callao. Ouss 111. Clussthmo. GREAT BRITAIN:- Manchester; Glasgow; Bradford; Demerara. FRENCH DOMINIONS z-- Havre. SPANISH DOMINIONS z- Matanzas. BARBARY STATES:- Tripoli; Tunis; Taugiers. JAPAN :—— Nagasaki; Osaka and Hiogo. MEXICO:- Vera Cruz. SIAM :-- Bangkok. UNITED STATES OF COLOMBIA z-- Panama; Colon, (Aspinwall.) ARGENTINE REPUBLIC :-— Buenos Ayres.