Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/190

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164 FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. l. C11. 287. 1876. For contingent expenses of the office, namely: For actual expenses of clerks detailed to investigate suspected frauds and attempts at fraud, as provided by law, fifty thousand dollars; for Stationery six thousand dollars; for carpets, mats, furniture, awnings, and repairs of the same, two thousand dollars; for fuel, gas, engraving and retouching plates; for bounty land warrants, printing and binding the same, engraving and printing pension certificates; for repairs of building; and for other necessary expenses of the office, including two daily newspapers, four ` thousand five hundred dollars; in all sixty-two thousand five hundred dollars. ‘ Patent Office. · UNITED STATES PATENT 0FFIGE,——FOI‘ compensation of the Gommissioner of the Patent-Office, four thousand five hundred dollars; for assistant commissioner, three thousand dollars; for chief clerk, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; three examiners-in-chief, at three thousand dollars each; examiner in charge of interferences two thousand five hundred dollars; trade-mark examiner, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars · twenty two principal examiners, at two thousand five hundred dollars each; twenty two first assistant examiners, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; twenty-two second assistant examiners, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; twenty two third assistant examiners, at one thousand four hundred dollars ‘ each; one librarian, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one machinist, one thousand six hundred dollars; five clerks of class four, (one of whom Financial clerk: shall receive two hundred dollars additional for services as financial g° 'Q 1* ° " "”*“°“? clerk, and shall give bond in such amount as the Secretary of the lnte- °"" rior may determine;) five clerks of class three; twenty one clerks of class two; and thirty-five clerks of class one; also for twenty-five permanent clerks at one thousand dollars each; for iorty copyistclerks, at nine hundred dollars each; for three skilled draughtsmen, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; for one messenger and purchasing clerk, one thousand dollars; for one skilled laborer, one thousand two hundred dollars; for six attendants in model room, at one thousand dollars each; for four attendants in model room, at nine hundred dollars each; for forty laborers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; for six laborers, at six hundred dollars each; in all, three hundred and eighty-four thousand nine hundred dollars. For contingent and miscellaneous expenses of the Patent Office namely : For stationery for use of office, repair of model cases, stationary portfolios for drawings furniture and labor connected therewith, repairing, papering, painting, carpets, ice, advertising, books for library, moneys refunded, printing engraved patentheads, international exchanges, plumbing, gas-fifting extra labor on indexes and abstracts for annual reports, fitting rooms, temporary clerks, laborers and other p,.0,,,,0_ contingencies, seventy thousand dollars; and no money appropriated by this paragraph shall be expended for advertising in newspapers published in the city of Washington other than the Patent Office Official Gazette. For photolithographing, or otherwise producing copies of drawings of current and back issues, for use of the office and for sale, including pay of temporary draughtsman, forty thousand dollars, the work to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Patents, who shall p,-,,v;,0_ receive competitive bids therefor. For photolithographing, or otherwise producing plates for the Official » Gazette, including pay of employees engaged on the Gazette and for making similar plates, forty thousand dollars. · For photolithographing, or otherwise producing copies of the weekly ipspes of drawings, to be attached to patents and copies, forty thousand < dollars. S¤P<?¤vi¤i·>¤ of The work of the said photolithographing, or otherwise producing §f,*{"'°"°h°g"“Ph' plates and copies, referred to in this and the two preceding paragraphs, ' to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Patents, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. _