Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/130

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. é $.3 104 FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 246. 1876. H¤¤ry'1‘1¤<>m¤·¤· enable the Clerk of the House to pay to Henry Thomas, for twenty. eight days services as mességggr to the Committee on War Claims at two dollars er day fifty-six dollars. S-I·W¤¤‘°¤· To S. I. Wgarren, ’for clerical services as clerk to the Committee on . Commerce, for eight days service during the present session, forty A. R. Soul. dollars And sixty dollars to pay A. R. Searl for wages as riding page for the month of December, eighteen hundred and seventy-i·lve._

_B_S,,mm,,,,_ To J. B. Summers, for clerical services rendered the Committee on

Expenditures in the Department of Justice, ninety-two dollars. Hlfadgt tgggllggg That the accounting officers of theéfreaigry be, iapcd they are hereby, ° ”° °’ directed to allow credit to the Clerk o the ouse o presentatives for W `mm E`K°uy' the sum of one hundred and ninety-thtree dcglars and forty-six cents, amount paid John E. Kelley by order o the ouse. Reporting testi- For the payment of the following named persons for reporting testimony =¤<>¤N= beibre the several committees of the House of Representatives, at the Blfi J°*;9“g_,Ek§; iirst session of the Forty-fourth Congress, to-wit: A. Johns, E. Z. Bailey, _ mzfgggggojgvjs, F. M. Adams, Eugene Davis, J. M. W. Yerrington, J. H. White, E. C. J. M. W. Yerring— Bartlett, C. J. Hayes, J. W. Tooley, J. W. Anderson, Charles H.Lander, ¤<>¤»J-H-Wl¤l*`¤»I>· D. C. Mcldwin, F. J. Warburton, H. A.. Kirkham, William F. Bonynge, ga ];Z"’_}°‘{‘,g, L.i.0g; and E. F. Underhill, twenty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may ley? of w_ gud.,,. be necessary, on accounts to be rendered by them respectively, certified een, Charles H. to by the official stenographers to the Committees of the House, and ap- · I-;M!d***»_D· C- M? proved by the chairmen of the respective committees, and by the Chair- f,*,,';};‘,;,’1i_i_‘,k_,`Q`;f,;; man of the Committee on Accounts. ham, William F. Ron}-yage, E. F. Un- (6I‘ l . Th°°· F· D‘=“’ld· To authorize the Clerk of the House of Representatives to pay Theo. °°°‘ F. Davidson for thirteen days service, during the present session, as clerk of the Committee on Patents, at four dollars per day, fifty-two dollars. _ BOTANIOAL GARDEN. Botanical Gar- For painting, glazing and repairing the Conservatory, green-houses, d°“¤ P°·’“l’l“%·°°°- and iorcing-houses, for extension and repairs of the heating apparatus, . for sash and glazing, to complete the double-glazing on the north side of the Conservatory, for iillin g grounds and raising fence on south side of B street, for the erection of iron fences, and the erection of a porch for the centre building on Maryland avenue and the ceiling of a portion of the rotunda of the conservatory, thirty five hundred dollars. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Completing in- To enable the Librarian of Congress to employ enough clerical force de! Qf <£9,¤;{¤¤<>¤l¤»_ to complete the alphabetical index now in progress to the documents, ggggxu ‘ ""`·V °‘ debates, and laws of Congress, and for preparing a complete index to the ‘ manuscripts and historical and military letters and papers in the Library of Congress, three thousand four hundred dollars. _ PUBLIC PRINTING AND BINDING. ' _ P¤i¤*§¤8» l>i¤d- For the public printing, for the public binding, and for paper for the “‘g· "“ P“P°"· public printing, including the cost of printing the debates and proceed- _ ings of Congress in the Congressional Record, and for lithographing, mapping, and engraving for both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Court of Claims, and for the necessary materials, one ` million, one hundred and thirty-three thousand seven hundred and thirty seven dollars, and fifty cents, and out of the sum hereby appropriate? printing ariidl binding may be done by the Congressional Printer to the amounts o owing namely: · Distribution of For printing and binding for the State Department, fifteen thousand “1:1P,f,’l’;‘*”*§;11,,;°’ dollars; For the Treasury Department, one hundred and eighty thougm P g’ sand dollars; for the War Department, seventy-two thousand dollars; for the Navy Department thirty-nine thousand dollars; for the Interior