Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/919

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INDEX. 889 I _ Pago. Yugo. Colorado--Continued. Oanmimzding Oplcers, Navy, laugl-office .- , .-. . ... 122 duty ol, ns to sending homo petty officers, register and receiver .. . . 122 &c., after expiration of enlistment-. 484 transfer of business from other land- power to detain, after expiration, &c 484 _ offices . . . . . . 122 C0m.merc0, right of way through public lends in, grunted statistics relating to,. to be collected, &,c., to Ark:111szisVc ley Railway Company. 274 for trpu mission to Congress . 352 oct to enable people of, to form constitution Commerce and Navigation, . ` and State government, und for odmis- provisions concerning right of, in treaty with sion of, mto the Union. .. . . 474-476 Peru .. - . ,.,,..,__,,,,,_, , ____ _ _ 690 1a.nds_ of non·residents not to be taxed in treaty with Salvador. . .. . 726 higher than lands of residents- .. 475 Commercial Agencies, of United States not to be taxed -.. . 475 establishment of schedules C end B .. -. 60 apportionment of Representative . . . . 475 Commercial Agents, grunt of lands to, for several purposes. . . 475 appropriations for salaries of .. 67, 322, 414 of salt-springs. - . . . . 476 compensation of .. . ,.,,, _ ,___, _ _______ G8 of 5 per cent. of proceeds of soles of lends. 476 leuve ot absence, correspondence, Gui., of. .. 77 use of unexpended bslsnoe of appropriation Commiasariea of Subaabtmwo, fo1'l6glB1Zlt1V0 BXPBDEGB Of. .. 476 number of, with rank, &,o., of qqptgip, m- seliool-fund of, . . . ... -... .. ... . 476_ duced to twelve ... . . . . . - 244 mlnvwl lends m ·--· _ --·-·-··-.-... 4 76 no appointments to fill vacancies until Colored Soldiers and Sazlorn, . number reduced to twelve ... 244 appropriation for collection and payment of Commiaszzr -Gc·1wraI of Subariutence, bounty, prize—money, &c., to ... 224, 390 oppropriintions for odlce of . . -. 100 rmexpended balance of cppropmutiou made may a. ply art of ep roprietion prior to available for collection und payment Iuly 11:1874, in tbe purchase of subof bounty, prizeqnoney, &c., to . 42 sistence for distant posts -.. . 73 Colored Union Benevolent Association, certain balances of appropriations made for ‘ of Washington, D. C., trustees of, authoii- Department of, to be carried to the ized to sell certain lands in the city of , surplus fund . . . . . . - . 75 Washington ... ... 521 to continue to receive, &c., claims of loyal Colored Women and Children, citizens fer, &c . ...,. . .. . 75 appropriation for National Association for Commiaaio the relief of the, of the District of to contract for erection of an nestrien Columbia. . 223, 387 statue to General Natlmnigll Greene, Colpwitt, Hulemi B.appointment of .. . .. --. . 209 c sim of, allowed by commissioners 643 to sell navy-yard at Philadelphia, organi- Colton, Josqzh H. zetion, duties, expenses, und report President to call on Government ot Bolivia of .. . Q.. . .. 393, 394 for payment to, for maps. ... 661 Commiamm of Engimcra, Columbia Hospital for Women and Lying4u Avy- toinvestigato and report plan for roommalum, tion of ulluvi `basin of Mississippi ‘ appropriation for grading and stone wall.. 143 River . . 199 for the support ot . _ . .. . , 215, 386 composition and omeers of; duties, comto complete purchase of ground around. 386 pcnsation, reports, expenses. ... .. 199 Columbia, Inaiituuon for the Deaf and Dumb, . approprmtxon for ... 199 appropriation for the support of .. 215, 386 Commission of Food-Maha, or construction of buildings. . . . . . . . 215 uppropxiotion to enable, to participate in indeficiency appropriation for . 143 ternetionel exhibition ... .. . . 400 Columbw River, Commissioner, see British Subjects, appropriation for improvement of 1ower..242, 460 appointment of e., under not to ascertain the Columbia, S. C., possessory rights of the Hudson’s Buy npppcppintion for court-house and postoffice ompsmy, &,c .. - 129 uildinp ot .. . . . 227 Commm6one1·_ofAgrtm•ZtuY _ _ to purchase and adjoining the courthouse' appropriation for pay 0 and for scientists, in .. . . . . . . . . ..-- 408 clerks, employes, in .. . ... .107, 367 for furniture for court-house and post-, for publishing report of the, for the years uM5g 3,1;, ,,,. , ,..,.. .. ,. 405 18728,11d 87 . . .. 227 Comauohoa, for special distributionof seeds to`erappropriation for payment of installment ‘ ers by grasshopper ravages .. 303 5,,;,,, hg ,_,.,, , ,,,.,.. . .·. . .. 148, 423 may transmit seeds ond reports free of only those remaining peaceably on reserv— postage . 343 ations to have benefit . . . . . . 148, 423 Gbmmiacioucr_of Customs, for subsistence, &,c., of, in Indian Terri- .eppropriution for pay of, and for clerks, duo., ` tory,". ., .,. ... ... 149,423 l1l0mG60f...-···-·-- --·--- ··-,-·»-·-9]·»350 for support, civilization, &c., of captive.. 448 for increase of salary ot. . .. . 205 deficiency n propriatious for. 140, 141 salary of ... . . .. . : . .. . . 397 no troops tolae kept on reservation of, in In- - of officers, clerks, cud employes in Omoo of 397 digg Tg;-;·im;•y except, &c. .. 149 Commissioner of Eduoa¢€on Combo, Joel A., .- appropriation for pay oi, and for clerks, Gro} claim of, allowed by commissioners 582 .m_<>Hlcc of ·. .. . ... 05, 365 Comammdant q/Marino Cmjps seo Marine Corps. _ for printing report ot .. .. . .: . ._ .. 371 Commanders of .Divis·lona, (Navy,) to direct disbursement of appropriation for prizc—money to cmcers serving ns, from April, payment of in public schools 1861; shores, how paid . 63 in District of lnmbia . -.. . 32 Conmumding General of the Army, number of copies of ;-eport of, for use -o£ appropriations for the office Of. --.-- .. . 72, 450 S803W, HQUBG; c0mP|BSl~0¤61`··- - 371