Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/83

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FUBTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. CH; 214, 215, 216. 1874. 53 CHAP. 214.—A11 act changing the time of holding circuit and districts eourts in Juno 5, 1874. Vermont. 1 _ """" ‘ "‘_‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ·U'mJted States of America in Congress assembled, Thai; the term of the circuit Térngns of circuit eourt holden at Rutland on the third day of October shall be held on €““d d‘“‘°"°‘° °°“’*S the firsl:‘Tuesdey in October, and the term of the district court holden m V°rm°”b' ~ at Rutland on the sixbli day of October shall be held on the first: Tuesday of October. The term of the circuit court holden at Windsor on the fourth Tuesday in July shall `bo held on the third Tuesday in May, and the term of the district court held at Windsor on the·M0nd2iy after the fourth Tuesday of July shall be on the third Tuesday in May: Provided, That this not shall notepply to the next terms 'of the circuit Pmviso. and district court to be holden alt; Windsor, but the same shall be held at the times now provided by law. Approved, June 5, 1874. CHAP. 215.—An act in relation to the Centennial Exhibition. June 5, 1874. Whereas, ei; various international exhibitions which have been held Preamble. in foreign countries, the United States have been represented in pursuance ofinvimuions given by the governments of those countries, and zwcepted by our own governinent, therefore, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United I .t t. f States of America in Congress assembled, That the President be requested cig§;l0$6¥;]°m£%,S°{6 to extend, in the name of the United States, ai respectful and cordial in- pmncjpnm in Cenvitution to the governments of other nations, to be represented und mike twuicil Exhibition. parb in the international exposition to be held at Philadelphia, under the auspices of the government of the United States, in the year eighteen hundred and seventaysix: Provided, however, That the United States _Unimd States not shall not; be liable, directly or indirectly, for any expenses abbendinglltilbm f‘¥'."XP°“S°“ such exposition, or by reason of the seine. ° °"P°°“t‘°“' Approved, June 5, 1874. ` CHAP. 216.-·An acl: making appropriations for the naval service for the year ond- J“¤° 6» 1874- iug .1 uno nhirtioth, eighteen hundred und sevc>nby—five, mid for other purposes. Be it enacted by fha Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following `suins be, _N¤»vy zipprvnrinand they are liereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any money in theF‘°f‘3 *°" §6‘*’lg.,‘,E“d‘ Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the naval service of the Gov- mb um ’ '°` ornnients lor t-lie year ending June thirbiebb, eighteen hundred and seventy-Live, and for other purposes: For pay of commissioned and warrant; officers at sen, on shore, on Pay of Omcm mm special service, sind of those on the retired lista und unemployed, and for ¤w¤¤w¤.mi1pug<= wud mileage and transportation of officers traveling under orders, mid for *‘"““SP°*`*“*‘°”· &°· pay of the petty officers, seamen, ordinary seamen, landsmen, and boys, including men of the engineers iorce, and for the Ooas¤—Survey service, eight thousand five hundred men, six million two hundred und fifty bhousaind dollars. _ For contingent: expenses of the Navy Department, one hundred thou- Contingent ex- ` sand dollars. P‘*"S°S· For civil esmblislnnents at the different, navy-yards, as follows : Ac Civil esmblisli- Kihtery, lllnine, eighteen thousand seven hundred und fifty-nine <lol—f’}*"” of “”">¤l`***`*'¤ Iars ; at Charlestown, Mnssaeliusetts, izwency-three thousand and ninety- J 'gtww. three dollars and forty eents, at Brooklyn, New York, izweiity-thine (~i.l.,,·iQS{m·¤; thousand seven liundrecl and eign ty-nine dollars and forty cents, at Brooklyn; Philadelphia, P€ll`(.lS_\’iV3lll8, txveniiyone thousand two hundred and 1;l¤ilgid~lpliiq; ninety-tliree dollars. nucl forty cents; ul. Nortolk, Virginia, eighteen M"i"u‘$ thousand live liundred and thirtyeighi dollars and twenty cents, at.