Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/792

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762 CONVENTION-—SWEDEN AND NORWAY. Muon 15, 1873. Merch l5,18'/3- Postal convention between the United States of America and the United ""`""'_" Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway. Contracting par- The undersigned, John 'A. J. Creswell, Postmaster-General of the VM- United States of America, in virtue of the powers vested in him by law, and Oluf Stenersen, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of his Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway to the United States of America, in the name of his government, and by virtue of the powers which he has formally presented to this eiieot, have agreed upon the ibllowing articles, to wit: Aarronn 1. Exchanges or There shall be an exchange of correspondence between the United W ln at ¤<>rr¤sp¤¤<1— States of America and the United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway. °“°°· This exchange of correspondence shall embrace: 1. Letters, ordinary and registered. 2. Newspapers, books, prints of all kinds, (comprising maps. plans, engravings, drawings, photographs, lithographs, and all other like productions of mechanical processes, sheets of music, &;c.,) and patterns or samples of merchandise, including grains and seeds. Such correspondence shall be exchanged whether originating in the United States and destined for either of the United Kingdoms, or vice versa; or originating in, or destined for, such foreign countries to which the contracting countries may serve as intermediaries. - Anrronn 2; 0m¤¤¤ f° f 6 X · The offices for the exchange of mails shall be-on the part of Sweden-- °h““g" °f‘ ‘ 1. Goteborg ; 2. The Travelling Post-office No. 1 between Gtiteborg and Stockholm; 3. The Travelling Post-oflice No. 2 between Malmo and ( Falkoping. On the part of Norway--1. Christianssand; 2. Ohristiania; 3. The Sea Post-onice on the Steamboat line between Hammerfest and Hamburg; and on·the part of the United _Sta.tes-1. New York; 2. Chicago. - ` · Discenunuance . The respective Postal Administrations are authorized, if circum- ¤r change ¤f •>¤i¤<>¤·stanees should require it, to discontinue any of the offices designated for the exchange of mails, or to establish others in their place. · Anzrronn 3. Dispatch or mails, The Post-Oifices of Sweden and Norway shall make their own arrangeroutes. ¤¤¤¤ of Mer- ments for the dispatch of mails to the UnitedStates; and in-like man- Q§g‘?’°“ "°"°p°"°“' ner the Post-Oiiice of , the United States shall make arrangements fort ` _ the despatch of mails to Sweden and Norway. The mails shall be foriwarded by regular routes of communication; and each office shall, at its own cost,,pay the expense of the intermediate transportation (sen and territorial) of the mails which it despatches to the other country. It is agreed that the cost of the international, ocean,,and territorial transit of closed mails, exchanged in either direction, between the fron t- iers of the respective countries, shall be first defrayed by that one of _the offices which shall have obtained from the p0st—offices of the intermediary countries the most favorable terms for such conveyance, and any amount so advanced by one office, for and on account of the other, shall be promptly re-imbursed.