Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/79

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FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. S1‘css.`I. Ch. 194,195. 1874. 49 Thurston county in aid thereof, which bonds shall bear interest not ex- Limimtionof ineeeding ten per centum per annum, and the principal thereof shall not *“°“ *****1 *”“°“”*· exceed in amount ten per eentum of the value of the taxable property of said county of Thurston as legally assessed for territorial taxation, and shall not, in any event, exceed, in the aggregate, two hundred thousand dollars, notwithstanding this sum may be less than seven per centum of such taxable valuation; and any such bonds issued in excess of Bonds issued in said seven per centum of the territorial taxable. valuation of the prop— °X9°°° °f h¤¤l°*m°¤ erty of said county, or in excess of two hundred thousand dollars in the "°‘d‘ aggregate in any event, shall be absolutely void; and all persons interested are required to take notice hereof. And the said commissioners are hereby authorized and empowered to designate the time and man- powers of ,,,,,,1- ner of payment of the principal and interest of said bonds, and also to missiouers. determine the class and gauge of said railroad z Provided, Thahno bonds 3,,,,,;, ,,0, t,, , ,,,6 shall issue until the full and final completion of said railroad. And pro- u¤t11 ros d oom— vided further, That said county of Thurston shall not coutrac . with any Pmedperson, firm, or corporation to construct said railroad until such person, tirm, or company shall enter into a good and sufficient bond, in the penal B 0 ,1 d of c 0 ,1, sum of two hundred thousand dollars, to be secured by first mortgage tractor. on said railroad, conditioned that they will operate said road with pussenger and freight trains for a period of twenty-five years: And provided further, That when the said county commissioners shall have agreed upon the terms for the construction of said railroad with any individual, iirm, or corporation, they shall call a special election at such time as (,0,,,,,,,,t ,,,,1,,,, be they may designate, by causing three notices of such election, which ratified by a twosaid notices shall embrace the terms of the proposed contract, to be¤h*¤d9 V<>*=¤ of <>i¤i- posted for twenty days in each election precinct of said county of Thurs- ‘°“S °" um °°“'°Y· ton, at which the said proposed contract shall be submitted to the legal voters of said county; and if twothirds of the said votes-cast at the said election shall be in favor of the said contract, and such two-thirds shall be equal in number to a majority of the votes cast in said county at the then next preceding election for delegate in the Congress of the United States, then the said county commissioners shall complete the said contract and issue the bonds provided for by this uct, and not otherwise. Such election shall be held at the same places, in the same Timo and pianos manner, and the returns thereof made by and filed with the same oiioers, of election. as is required in .case of election for county officcrs under the laws of said Territery. Approved, May 27 , 1874. CHAP. 195.-—An act to authorize the trustees of the Massachusetts Museum of Fine May 28, 1874. Arts to import and retain for two years, certain works of Art, free of duty. ‘_"’*_—"""· Bo it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Slates of America in Congress assembled, That the trustees of the Mu- Massachusetts seum of Fine Arts, an institution established under the laws of the Com- git21S 6g2m ¤f Y lv: monwealth of Massachusetts, for the promotion of the Fine Arts, are mma p,§,u;;Q§f;0 hereby authorized to import, free of duty, a collection of pictures belong- of duty, ing to the Duke of Montpensier, and not intended for sale, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe: Provided, P,(,,,,s,,_ That a bond shall be given for the payment to the United States of such duties as are now imposed by law upon any and all of such pictures as shall not be reexported within two years atter such importation Approved, May 28, 1874. Vol. 18, pt. 3-4