Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/717

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JJBEATY WITH EASTERN BANDS OF SHOSHONEE INDIANS. 687 four,.advisc and consent to the rutihcation of the same, with bm amendment, by a; resolution in the words and tigures following, bq wit: IN Exxccumxim Smssum, OF mms: UNITED STATES, ` March 7, 1864. Resolved, (twowhirds of the Senators present concuwing,) That; the Resoiunou of can- Sgnate advise mid consent 1:0 the mhiticamiou of the articles of agree-¤°¤°· meut made at Fort Bridger, in Utah Territory, the 2d of July, 1863, between the United States of America, represented by its Commissioners, and the Shoshoneés nation of Indians, represented by its Chiefs and Principal Headmen and W&f1`i0YS of the Eastern Bands, with the following AMENDMENT: Add a, new article as follows: Nothing herein contained shall be construed or mkem to admit any other A‘“°“d‘“°““· or greater title or interest in the lands embraced within the territories dosovibed wm said Treaty with said tribes or bands of Indians than emicted in themupon the acquisition of said territories from Mexico by the laws thereof _ Atbcst: . J. W. FORNEY, · Secretary. ` By W. J. MCDONALD, ‘ I Chief Olcrk. And whereas, the foregoing mucndmemt having been fully explained /\rr¤¤¤d¤mnt sub and interpreted to the Chiefs and Principal Mén of said Eastern Ba¤n1ds;**}°***d to E §*·=¤‘¤ of Shoshoncc Indians, whose names are hereinafter subscribed, they did, 51*;:;*;;* of § h °' on the thirty-first; day of August, in the year one thousand eight; hun- ' dread and sixty-five, on behalf of said Iudimns, together with O; H. Irish, Commissioner, on behalf of the United States, give their free and voluntary assent to said amendment, in the words and figures following, to wit: · ‘ ~ · ·* Whereas a, Treaty of Peace and Friendship was made nt For; Bridger, Accepm n c O of Utah Territory, on the second day of July, A. D. one thousand eight *‘·m°¤d”*°¤°· hundred and sixty-three, by and between the United States of America, represented `by James Duane Doty and Luther Mann, jr., Commissioners, and the (Jbietb of the Eastern Bands of the Shoshonce Indians, which Treaty was ra,tiH0d by the Senate of t-hc United States on the seventh deny of March, 1864, with the ibllowing amendment, viz: ¢ “Ari7ic10 5th. Nothing herein contained shall be ccmstrucd or taken to admit any other or greater title or interest in the lands embraced within territories described in_ said Treaty in said Tribes or Bands of Indians than existed in chem upon the acquisition of said territories Hom Mexico by the laws t·hemof." Now, the said amendment having been this thirty-iirsb day of August, Gouscubmgclausc. A. D. 1865, at a. council held with the said Chiefs as Great Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, under the instructions of the President of the United States, submitted to the said Chiefs and Principal Mcu for their consideration and acceptance, and the same having been read and fully interpreted to them in their own language, the said Chiefs and Principal Mau, for themselves and for tlmsaid Eastern Bands of the Shoeshcnco Indians, do hereby agree and consents to the said amendment to. nbc said Treaty, and do stipulate that the same shall be and hereby is accepted and adopted as the fifth article thereof, and tbraver binding 1;*p0u· them and their mationé ‘ In witness whereof O. H. Irish, Superintendent of Indian Affairs, Commissioner, on the pam; of the United States, and tpesaid Chiefs and