Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/604

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574 FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Gu. 362, 363, 364. 365. 1874, June 2*1, 1874. CHAP. 362.-An act for the relief of Joseph C. Bmckinridge for services in nm ——_"_"; Army of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Paym cnt to States of America in Congress assembled, That; the Puymaster General ·I°¤°Pb C- B’°°k*”‘is hereby directed to pay to Joseph G. Breckinridge the full pay and “dg°‘ allowances of sn. nrst lieutenant of cavalry from the thirtietah day of August, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, to the fifth dey of June, eighteen hundred and sixtydswo, being the period? during which he served as aide-decemp on the shelf of General William Nelson and General George H. Thomas prior to his muster into the United States service. Approved, June 20, 1874. Jam, zu, 1874, CHAP. 363.-An act for the relief of Thomas Simms, me u. lieutenant in me —·—····;t seventy-sixth regiment, New York volunteers. · Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United P ll y uh e ¤ t to States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, Th0¤¤¤¤ Si¤¤¤¤¤- and he is hereby, directed to cause to be paid to Thomas Simms, late second lieutenmt, company G, seventy-sixth regiment, New York volunteer infantry, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of five hundred and ninety dollars. being the pay and emoluments of al second lieutenant for the period of six months, between the twenty-fifth day of December, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and the first da.y of May, eighteen hundred and sixty-three. Approved, June 20, 1874. June 20, 1874. CHAP. 364.-Au act to compensate D. R. Haggard for six months’ services uecolonsl ”""""" of the fifth Kentucky United States cavalry volunteers. ' Whereas, D. B. Haggard, of Burksville, Cumberland county, Ken- Puyment to D- R- tucky, was, on the first day of October, eighteen hundred and sixty·0ne, H“¥€‘“d- commissioned a. colonel of the Lifbh Kentucky volunteer infantry, United States Army, in the wm- of the late rebellion; and Whereas he was shortly thereafter transferred to cavalry service, and was immediately izhereafter put: into and did engage in the active service of his country, and did coutinuein said active service 1:0 the close of the wer; and " Whereas he was not mustered in the service of the Army until after six months from the date of his said commission and engagement in active service aforesaid; and Whereas he has never received any pay or compensation for said six m0ntl1s’ service prior to his muster-in: Therefore B0 it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Amerika in Congress assembled, That; the Secretary of the Treasury be, end he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to said D. R. Haggard, out of any money in the treasury uot otherwise appropriated, the sum of one thousand four hundred and twentytwo dollars, which shall be in full for all sums due said Haggard for said services, and all perquisites. _ Approved, June 20, 1874. . Iune 20, 1874. CHAP. 365.-Au act for the relief of Susan B. Moore, the relative and Iegutooo! ’;";"i Phoebe Solield u pensioner. _ . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Pc¤¤i<>¤ to Susan States of America in Congress assembled, That the benehbs of the mt ap- R·]g[7‘é°*“,l 434 1 proved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, entitled "A¤1 Xviiipfggt ’ v°act be amend an act granting a. pension to Phoebe Sotiold, widow of