Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/596

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FOBTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. GH. 280 281, 282 284. 1874. 6 a v June 12, 1874. CHAP. 280.-—An act for the relief of the heirs of Many vB.BelBeld,ofVirginla. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Payment to iw-ir¤ Sums of America in Gemgrevs assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas. °*` MMV B· B°m°Id· ury be, and he is hereby, directed to pay, out of any money in the twisury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of one hundred and seventy three dollars and thirty-three cents to the heirs of M my B. Beliield, of Virginia. Approved June 12, 1874. , 7 J unc 12, 1874- CHAP. 281.-Au act for the relief of Benjamin Crawford. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Pw¤¤¤¤*= *0 BM- States of America in Oemgress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas-.

 Sgtgzgzflaflf my be, und he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to Benjamin

blower. Crawford, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sun; of fivo thousand dollars, which shall be in full compensation for the use by the Government of the said Grawford’s patent. steamblower.. Approved, June 12, 1874. June 12,18'I4. CHAP. 282.-Au not for the bene? of the Louisville and Bardstown Turnpike ompauy. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United P ug m e n t t o States of Ammicawm Congress assembled, That the Quartermaster-General $***5 °TW ¤ Qgd of the United States Army be authorized and directed to audit, adjust, 1gg:}ff‘@m‘;p£;,‘_P' °zu1d pay such sums as be may deem proper and just to the president directors, and company of the Bardstown and Louisville Turnpike Road Company, to make compensation for two bridges on the road of said Company, one over Salt river the other over Floyd’s Fork, constructed for the military service by said Company by ad vice of the Quartermaster- General, to be paid out of amy money in the Treasury not otherwise Provisc. appropriated: Provided, That the whole amount allowed under this act shall not exceed the sum of thirteen thousand six hundred dollars. Approved, June 12, 1874. June 15, 1874. CHAP. 284.-An not for the relief of Sebastian Reichert. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Pqymwi t¤ Sv States of America in Congress assembled, That there be allowed and paid b““°’“” R°’°b'“`°‘ to Sebastian Reichert, or his legal representatives, out of any money m the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of six hundred dollars, being the amount of the consideration-unoney gud actual costs attending suits required by the Commissioner of the eneml Land-Office to be instituted) paid for the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter, the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter, the north half of the northeast quarter, the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter, all in section ibm-, and the north half of the northwest quarter, in section threoyall m township one south, of range ten west of the third meridian; and which lands had previously to their entry been in part confirmed under previous ‘ right, and the title to the same iguler sag! previous couhrmation decided by the Supreme Court of the nited tutes. Tmd abandoned, SEO. 2. That the receipt of the said sum of money by the said SebaS- tian Reichert, or his legal representatives, shall be considered as all abandonment to the land included in the said confirmation Approved, June 15, 1874.