Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/570

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FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 105, 109, 119Q 1874. 540 west half of southwest quagatgr of sectiozr thilrty, tgwnship sixty-eight, range forty-three west, selec as swamp· an · an i Whereas the Secretary of War, by letter under date of the eleventh of March, eighteen hundred and seventy, advised the Secretary of the I11t}8£l0IM‘ that th; United States mihtarydrgservauon at Fort Kearney on the issouri 'v s no onger require or mii ary purposes- and Whereas the register and the receiver at Council Bluds Iowd, have reported, under date of May twenty-third eighteen hundred and seventy, to the General Land Office, that, due notice having been given to all persons having any interest in the same to appear before them on the eighteenth day of May eighteen hundred and seventy, and show cause why the above named entries should not be confirmed by act of Cougress, no adverse cllaimants appgsgfd belforgflliemz Therefore, U Be it enacted by the Senate an ouseo resentatives of the nited States of America in Congress assembled, élfhat the saiid described entries and selections be and the same are here y condrme · and that patents be authorized to issue for the same as in other eases pibvided for by law. Approved, April 15, 1874. April 17, 1874. CHAP[ 109.—An act for the relief of Frank M. Kelly.' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of.Representatises of the United Peymwt *0 mlm- States of America in Congress assembled, That the Paymaster-General of "“"° F"’"‘k M· K°1' the United States Army is hereby authorized and directed to pa to i. Y °' Frank M. Kelly, a private in Company F, First Regiment United States Cavalry, thirty dollars and thirty-nine cents, that amount being the value of certain articles of uniform-clothing purchased by him to replace a like number of articles consumed in the nre which destroyed one of the buildings at Camp Warner, Oregon, on the twenty-seventh day of January, _ eighteen hundred and seventy-three. · V Approved, April 17, 1874. April 21, 1874- CHAP. 119.-jAu act for the relief of Heuty C. Smith, of Indianapolis Indiana. . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ’ Name of Henry 0. States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, Slliifh 19l¤¢Q<l 011 and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place the name of Henry hits “ °"°1‘°“t°“' C. Smpah on the} riolls as drst lieutenant in Company H, Thirtieth Reggi- ` ment ndiana. n antry. olunteers a of the date of June eighteent · eighteen hundred and sixty-five ; and that the proper accounting and pay officers shall allow and pay to said Smith the pay and emoluments of a lirst lieutenant from said date until the date of his discharge, deducting any sum or sums he may have received} during said service. · · J. . BLAIN E · Speaker 0 the House of resentatiees. ‘ · Y ’ MATT H CAR%NTER _ President of the Senate pro tempors. Received by the President April 9 1874. . e ’ [Nom nr mma: Dnrmrmnnr or Smrm.-The foregoing act having been prelsented go the Presidentof the Unitgd States) for his appigarzk and not aving een returned y him to the ouse of ongress in w i it originated within the time prescribed by the Constitution of the United State , has become a law without his approval.] .