Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/55

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FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 70, 72, 74. 1874. 25 CHAP. 70.—An_ act to amend the not entitled “An act to withdraw hom settlement March 26, 1.874. and sale a certann section of lund in Wyoming '1‘erritory," approved May twenty-third, eighteen hundred and ssveuty-two. vo 1 _ xvii, P_ 158, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United amended. States of America in Ocmgress assembled, That the first section of the act aforesaid bo, and the same is hereby, amended so that it shall read as follows: _ “Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America. in Congress assembled, That the north half and the Certain land resontheast quarter of section thirty, in township fourteen north, of range S€’"’°d ff°’éh“°° °*` sixty-six west, of the public lands in Laramie County, Wyoming Terri- $;yWgm_,€s§,Y$£§° tory, be, and the same is hereby, withdrawn from settlement and sale ·' under existing laws, and reserved for the use of the city of Cheyenne, in said county, for the purpose of enabling the proper authorities of said city to construct and maintain on said land a reservoir of water for the supply of said city.” Approved, March 26, 1874. CHAP. 72.-—Au act to approve an act of the legislative assembly of the District March 28, 1814, of Columbia relating to parishes of the Protestant Episcopal Church. —‘—""""""" Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America. in Congress assembled, That the ant of the legislative Act of lezislatiyc assembly of the District of Columbia entitled “An act for the relief of “§“°g‘i]Y °£.D'“*“°*° parishes of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the District of Columbia," g,,,,,B§_°m 1** ° P“ approved June twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, be, and the same is hereby, approved`; and that all acts now in torce in the District of Columbia, inconsistent therewith, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Approved, March 28, 1874. » CHAP. 74.-—Au act making appropriations for the construction, preservation, and April 3,]874_ repair of qortain fortilications and other works of defense, for tho tiscal your ending ti; ing June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-tive. Ba it enacted by the Senate cmd House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, Appropriations and the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treas- gg P f *"°P¤6•¤=~¤¤<{¤¤» ury not otherwise appropriated, for the following iortiiioations and other _,,,'; §‘,§g°”d‘“·‘¥ works of defense, for the iiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hun- ’ ' dred and seventydive, namely: · For Fort Preble, Portland Harbor, Maine, twenty thousand dollars. Fm Preble. For Fort Scammel, Portland Harbor, Maine, thirty thousand dollars. Fort Scammel. For batteries, Portsmouth Harbor, New Hampshire, thirty thousand Battericsiu PomdO]lm.S_ a mouth Harbor. For batteries at Long Island Head, Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, Batteries in Bosforty thousand dollars. _ t°“ Hum'- For Fort Adams, Newport Harbor, twenty thousand dollars. Fort Adams. For fort on Dutch Island, west entrance to Narragansett Bay, Rhode Fort on Dutch Island, twenty thousand dollars. Qs1md- For Fort Trumbull, New London Harbor, Connecticut, twenty-five: FortTmmbul1. thousand dollars. For fort on Willet’s Point, East River, New York, thirty thousand rm on w111ev¤ dollars. . P°'¤*· 1 For Fort Schuyler, East River, New York, twenty-five thousand d01— Fort Schuyler. ars. . For Fort Hamilton and additional batteries, (for completing tho same,) F o r t Hamilton New York Harbor, New York, twenty-six thousand dollars. _ ‘ ¤¤<1 b¤#t<¤"1<*¤· For fort on the site of Fort Tompkins, Staten Island, New York Har- Fort on site of bor, New York, thirty thousand dollars. Fm T<>¤¤Pk¤¤¤·