Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/5

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LIST OF THE. ,lE’UBLIC FACTS DF. CONGRESS. V . Po Whwmin Central Railroad. An act to extend the time for completing the Wisconsin Central Rail- go. N road in Wlsgoniip. April 9, 1874, 21;,182. . . . . _- .E.6 .,;. .._... l _____ _ _ _ ,`__ ____ _ 28 “ ecb, P. Sprague. act to grant an erican register to e anadian tu "Noah P. S rague." _ . _ April 14, 1874, ch. 93 .;.-L . .. . . . . . . ... .. 28 Indiasfresorvatims in Montana. An act to establish a reservation for certain Indians in the Territory ._ of Montana. April 15, 1874, ch. 96 .. .. .. .. 28 ,29 Seminole Indians, mmwltiea. An act authorizing the payment of annuities into the treasury of the Seminole tribe of Indians. April 15, 1874, ch. 97 .. - . . . ,. ...,,,,..,.. ,. ,. 29 Fort Sécilcwown military reservation. An act to donate the military reservation at Fort Steilacoom to the Territoryof Washington for the use of the insane asylum. April 15, 1874, ch'. 98. ... . 29 Placerville and Sacramento Valley Railroad Company. An act to forfeit to the United States certain lands granted to the Placerville and Sacramento Valley Railroad Compan to aid in constructing a railroad from the town of Folsom to the town of Placerville, in tile State of California. April 15,1B74,cl1.99..r... .. . .. ..._.. . .., .. .,.. 29 Passaic Qozmtg National Bunk. An act authorizing the Passaic County National Bank at Paterson to change its name.` April 15,' 1874, ch. 100 ... . . .. .. ..., .;...; ,,,. 30 Enrollment and license of vessels. An aotto amend the act entitled “An act relating to the enrollment and license of certain vessels." April 17, 1874, ch. 106 .. . ... .. 30

 and pilots. An act to authorize the employment of certain aliens as engineers and pilots.

April 17 1874,cb,,107 . . . .· ... .  ;.. .. . . . . 30 Albert Rosa; An not authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to employ a retired omcer at sea, and if

  • physicallyand professionally qualified to perform his duties, the President is authorized to restore him to the active list. April 17, 1874,1ch. 108 . . . . . 30, 31

dumb-boats on internal waters. An act to amend the aet entitled "An act for enrolling] and ships or vessels to be employed in the coasting trade and iisheries, and for regula the same, passed February. eighteen, seventeen hundred and ninety-three. April 18, 1874, c . 110 .. 31 Domcdicand Foreign Missionary Society of I’r0teata1•tEpiqcopal·Ohuv·0ht An act to secure to the Domestic and Missionary Society of the Protestantllpiscopal Church in the United States the land in the ite Earth Indian reservation in Minnesota, on which is situated their church . and other buildings. April 18, 1874, ch. 111.. .. 31 Board of Indian commissioners. _ An act to authorize the use ot certain uuexpended balance for pay- ' mont of exggnses of Board of Indian Commissioners. April 18, 1874, ch. 112 .. . . 31 Public schools oftrict of Columbia, An act ma ing appropriation for the payment ‘ of teachers in the public schoo in the District of Columbia, an providing for the levy of a tax to re-imburse the same. April 18, 1874, ch. 113. ...,. . . . . . .. 32 <= Fannieé 11%;; hAri1eict authorizing e changing of the name of the steamer f‘Fanuie Lehr." April- , ,c . r ... _ . 32 “Hattie Eato·n."An act directing the Secretary of the Treasury to issue an American register to the English-built brig “Hattie Eaton." April 18, 1874, ch. 115 .. . . . . . 32 "Rayo."An zvct.grantin%an American registry to the American-built Peruvian steamship “R.ayo," new rebuilt in the nited States, an converted. into a sailing-vessel. April 18, 1814, ch. 116-. 32 Jmburaemernta of appro_pr·iat-imw by Army ojilcerc. An act to provide or the inswctiou of the disbursements of appreziiiations made by oiilcers of the Army. April 20, 1874, c . 117 .. . . 33 Boro Hill Ccmetor _;. act torelimbuish title of the Unite States in certain real estate near Colum- V _ bia, Tennessee, to Rose Hill emetery. April 21, 1874, ch. 118 .. .. ... 33 Far-trade in Alaska. An act to enable the Secretary of the Treasuryjo gather authentic informa- 1 iigoyni as {oligo condition and importance of the fur-trade in the errrtory of Alaska. April 24, 33 34 o . . . . ... - ... . . . . , CoudcmMd’ordnance for Concord. An act authorizing the Secretary of War to deliver certain condemned ordnance to the municipal authorities of Concord, Massachusetts, for monumental pur- , poses. April 22, 1874, ch. 123 ... . . .. .. . . 34 Overflow of the Lower Miemlcanrpi River. All act to provide for the relief of the persons suffering from 1 the overflow of the Lower Mississippi River; 23, 1874, ch. 125 .. . .. · 34 Bismarck land»diamQ:t in Dakota. An act to establish e Bismarck land-district in the Territory of

 Dakota. April 24, 1874; oh. 127  --  .  . .. .  . .. .. 34

“Almina” changed to “Minm Davia."An act authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to issue cer- . titioate of registry and enrollment to the schooner “Almina," and changing thename to "Miu- * nie Davis." A ril 25, 1874, cb. 132 . 2 ...- . ... . ... . ...-- L 35 Private contracts with lndians. An act relative to private contracts or agreements made with Indians prior to May twenty-first, eighteen hundred and seventy-two. April 29 1874, ch. 135 35, 36 Ute Indians, a_ppro_pria6on. An act to ratify an agreement with certain Ute Indians in Colorado, and to make an appropriation for carrying ont the same. April 29, 1874, cli. 136.. . . , 36-41 Cherokee strips in géanaas. ‘ An act for the relief of settlers on the Cherokee strip in Kansas. Apr1l29, 41 1874 ch.1 }.` .. .. ..· U.------------ --··-·--- 4-- ·--· -- ---·------ -·-· ·--·---- -— Citizen? National Bank of Hagerstown. An act authorizing the Citizens' National Bank of Hagerstown, Maryland, to chan its location. May 1, 1874, ch. 141. ... . ... . . . . .41, 42 Bounty of colored soldiers and sallgra. An act to render available an unexpended balance of appropria- ‘ tion for collection and payment of bounty, &c., for colored soldiers and sailors. May 1, 1874, 42 . 'ch.142 .. ...-.. .·-.-----.- --- -.---··----·---· ---· -----· · ··--· .· ----- - -----—- . “A.zor."An act to aut an American relgister to the barqluo "Azor.” May 6, 1874, ch. 145 . 42 Raaumgcra in steamsgr . An act to amen the act entitled ‘An act tqregulate the carriage of passengers in steammips and other vessels," approved March three, cig teen hundred and fifty-five. M¤y7, 1874,ch.149 . L.- .. . . .-... .. 42,43 Army, leaves of absence. An act to amend the thirty-first section of an act ent1tled•“An act for enrolling and calling out the national militia, and for other puv·posos," approved March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-three. May 8 1874, Gb- 154-;-. ..-- ---- -..- --·- _ ---- - --- ··-- ---· 43 Customs duties on fruits. An act in relation to the customs duties on imported fruits. May 9, 1874, 43 gh, ]63_____,__________",,,,,.,..,.,.., ... . ...".-..U-------